Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 For a claim to be recoverable the Policyholder must satisfy us that on the balance of probabilities the loss or damage sustained was caused by a peril insured against .
2 Reporters from both The Sportsman and Golf Illustrated were present and comprehensive accounts appeared in both publications .
3 ‘ The enthusiasm and excitement generated was a delight to see ’
4 ‘ The enthusiasm and excitement generated was a delight to see ’
5 This shift in policy from universalism towards selectivism and area targeting was criticized as early is 1976 by Peter Townsend , who was quick to note its implications :
6 Security in any situation can never be guaranteed but the security that farming provided was obviously appreciated .
7 Its failure to provide the counselling and support needed was unfair to her and her parents .
8 Definitive evidence that group fixed was not guided to F+ by a local olfactory cue was provided by a final ‘ two-identical landmark ’ test ( Fig. 4 ) .
9 In the small village churches where he worshipped , the singing and organ playing was likely to be intolerable to somebody with an acute musical sensibility .
10 Despite a general feeling that project work was more interesting than first- and second-year experiments , there was much dissatisfaction with the projects ; some students , particularly at C , complained that they had received very little advice on selecting a project , others that they had not been allowed to choose the project they wanted .
11 I thought every breath that cat took was going to be her last . ’
12 The ending of wartime controls over the economy when peace came was not a popular cry , whatever the Conservative Party and business interests may have thought .
13 The partial recovery of the economy after 1983 was to show that some of it was misplaced , and that fears about national ungovernability and inability to adapt were ill-founded .
14 Baldwin gave him the impression ‘ that the last thing in the world that lie wished was either a return to office or the end of his holiday .
15 It 's something that Niki plays down in his book , but I know from others who were in touch with him at the time , that the mental effort and courage required were tremendous .
16 Although comparisons of fixed doses of drugs have limitations , the doses of propranolol and nifedipine used were in the middle of their therapeutic ranges .
17 The notion that clerical wealth was at the disposal of the realm when need arose was echoed and supported by some other developments of the reign : the practice whereby donations of land to the church first required royal licence ( and at a price ) ; the growing , though still limited , legal procedure and principle whereby endowments whose purposes were neglected by the receiving clergy could be recovered by the donor ; the practice of founders and patrons ‘ resuming ’ possession of the lands of religious houses embarrassed by debts ( not least debts resulting from taxation ) until they could again operate effectively ; the seizure of alien priories ; and lastly , the widening definition of temporalities at the expense of spiritualities .
18 He speaks directly to us in the first person and he expresses something very like fear and even self-pity , the distress of the poet , seeing himself as a kind of natural victim , and it may be the distress of the puritan living on after the Restoration and afraid of the wild route , which is Charles the Second 's court , though I think we can be a little sceptical of this and we certainly do n't know with sufficiently accuracy when Paradise Lost was written .
19 The Law Commission proposing the offence had confined it to situations where the alarm or distress experienced was " substantial " but this requirement was dropped from the Act itself .
20 The challenge to academic painting that impressionism posed was a challenge both in form and in content .
21 During the comprehensive rebuilt process , the aircraft 's original paint scheme was discovered on the airframe whilst paint stripping was taking place , along with signs of active service in the form of several small calibre bullet holes .
22 The cottage where my mother and father lived was .
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