Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] help her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the assistants took Ruth into a fitting-room and helped her into the dress , then stood back to admire the effect .
2 He threw the luggage into the boot of her hired car and helped her into the front seat .
3 He was obliging , and liked to run errands for the girl and help her with the care of her old lady .
4 It was Louise who usually attended to Miriam , bringing her a ration of water and helping her nearer the fire at night .
5 Maman put down the loaded fork with a sigh and turned to Twomey at the sideboard : " Please give Miss Nicandra a clean plate and help her to some spinach . "
6 Dom João offered her his hand and helped her from the litter .
7 He went back for the woman pedestrian he knocked down near a busy roundabout and helped her into his white Sierra car .
8 Tobias sat on the Independent and helped her with the pheasant pâté .
9 He was about to take her arm and help her into the culvert but she neither needed nor wanted his help .
10 Amyas took her by the arm and helped her to her feet .
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