Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] that we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence is growing , however , that we have a need to express our grief and that we ignore it at our peril .
2 It is not just the owners who turf out their dogs daily , it is also those who blissfully believe everyone is a dog lover and that we do n't mind the unpleasant and unhealthy filth their pets create in every park , play area , beach and common , nor the way many out-of-control large dogs are allowed to harass the hapless walker who crosses their path .
3 We explained that we had not realized their boat was part of the Coast Guard and that we had not heard them aright in their orders to stop .
4 The only grass that 's well cut is where people cut it themselves outside their own house but , in particular , erm , th I would like to see the supervision of the contract and that we do n't cough up the money unless the job 's done properly because I think we 're paying for a job that 's not being either done at all , or when it is being done it 's not being done well .
5 Labour knows , and the long faces around the hon. Gentleman confirm , that the council tax is a winner and that we have found in three months the solution that has eluded Labour for three years .
6 I shall tell him that we have every reason to believe that the bomber was carrying a smuggled explosive device aboard , that its detonation was triggered by a radio wave and that we have the miscreant responsible in our hands .
7 Moreover , both directly and through the medium of the European Community , my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has made it plain to the Government of Israel that we deplore the closure decision and that we believe that the universities , colleges and schools should remain open .
8 The only important thing is that we play as a team and that we win .
9 He will not forget , particularly when we have the presidency next year , that Malta has applied for membership of the Community and that we owe a great debt of gratitude to the Maltese people .
10 We agreed that the lack of action was an outrage and that we had to draw people 's attention to it .
11 but things like Kenny Ball and that we 'd had
12 Will my right hon. Friend ensure that the message goes out from British trade missions throughout the United States to American firms contemplating investing in Britain that we operate an open free market economy with low taxation and that we have no intention of introducing unnecessary social costs which would make business less competitive ?
13 If , furthermore , animals lack self-consciousness , as I have argued in Chapter 6 , then no sense can be given ( a far stronger claim than that we do not know ) to the contention that they are aware of the prospect of death and terrified at its implications .
14 Er , it 's not a funding system that er that we would choose to work under , we would want to keep the rents as low as possible er , but it 's one that 's set by central government through the housing corporation and that we have to live with .
15 In the same way it is essential that we await the results of that questionnaire and that we discuss with the District Council the long term redevelopment of that airfield and so I think it would be more helpful in expressing our concern of course about the decision and version of it which I will admit came as a shock because my understanding was they would be there for two , three , or four years yet .
16 This is partly because of their ephemeral nature and partly because disclosure would often reveal either that very sensitive subjects were under consideration or that we had something in train about which we were not ready to make an announcement .
17 We would n't have been passing the church except that we called in to collect Maggie Sullivan and it 's a shortcut from her place to the Feathers . ’
18 Of course the inspectorate is highly respected in Wales , but the hon. Gentleman will know that it was never geared to carry out inspections with the frequency that we expect will result from the provisions of the Education ( Schools ) Bill and that we envisage in the parents charter .
19 Much of the general comment has been that quality improvement is just common sense and that we have been doing it all of the time anyway .
20 At the end of our days let us be able to say that we have tasted life and found joy in it ; that our enthusiasm never waned but increased throughout life and that we regret nothing :
21 With regard to access to Art as a subject in the school curriculum , the Head of Department pointed out that he and his colleagues made special provision for some pupils , asking it if was generally known that pupils who opted not to do Art ( i.e. whose option choices precluded Art ) could still do it after school as an additional subject and that we do get some of them through ( verified note of meeting ) .
22 Er certainly the surplus was used to er create a new scheme for the present contributing members and er to the maximum benefit of the new sponsoring company , which er in the pensioners view er certainly er caused a great lack of security to the fund in our view of what they have done and er it is of in our opinion a matter of public concern and that we welcome the opportunity and I believe that you said previously that you 're gon na come up on the ownership of surplus , so perhaps getting away from it
23 So what with Carole 's soft voice and that we did n't get a lot of and it seemed as though it was well like that , several times I went last year and I really got a bit cheesed off .
24 This month , for no particular reason except that we felt like it , we offer a celebration of the word , from the P-funky smile of The Afros ( aboe ) to the activism of the X-Clan , from Monie Love 's glorious pop to Gang Starr 's jazz variation .
25 It clearly substantiates this Government 's commitment to ensuring that we maintain a national health service that is the envy of the world and that we continue to improve upon it .
26 If we assume that we are not the proprietors but the trustees of this world and that we have a deed of covenant to honour , this at once introduces certain absolutes into economic life and certain limits on the exercise of freedom .
27 I 'm very sorry about the disturbance at the restaurant and that we had to cut the interview short .
28 In a letter to the Stanford committee on research , the faculty said : ‘ For years we have been able to tell visiting school children , student , engineers , scientists , laymen and the press that we are here to do basic research on the fundamental properties of matter and that we do not do any military work .
29 We must remember that we are a great nation and that we have great spirit .
30 So we talk of five hundred redundancies is totally wrong and I think erm in the circumstances calculated to give the wrong impression I hope I will urge that you do not accept the resolution and that we accept in .
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