Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] he be very " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The producer listened to a lot of bands from around the North-East and he was very impressed with our music , ’ said Dave .
2 Again f fortunately in this instance with that accident no damage was caused to his wardrobe and he was very happy with the removal , and highly amused by it I gather as well .
3 One day I bumped into Patric Walker in a Fleet Street boozer and he was very helpful .
4 He loves cooking and he is very good at it .
5 The thing about Tim is that he came to us with a experience of a polishing shop so he was very well placed to help us improve our spiriting-out technique that is so necessary on a fine shellac finish .
6 To Alison Yarrington , writing about the ‘ sensuous ’ in fin-de-siecle sculpture , an examination of the human figures of Antonio Canova sheds light on more recent sculptural interpretations of the body although he was very much the product of the patriarchal system of the day .
7 Dominic is employed as a PA and he 's very , very good .
8 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
9 ‘ He was as bad at football as everyone else in the team but he was very good value , a very able and genuinely funny man .
10 During the time I knew him , he never took acid as he was very much afraid of it , and counselled other people against it in the sense that he felt it might disturb them psychologically , and felt that 's what might happen to him
11 His own pleasure had been of shorter duration for he was very well aware that he ought somehow to have protected this trusting girl from himself .
12 I spent some time with him after he drove back into the pit-lane and he was very categorical about his decision : ‘ It is simply not worth it , ’ he said .
13 I was friends with him for a week and he was very eloquent .
14 ‘ He is a fantastic father and he 's very good company , very pleasant and very generous with his time — completely different to how people see him . ’
15 The evidence that parental education does play an important role in determining the demand for HE is very strong and there remains a clear need to quantify these effects in conjunction with social class .
16 King Vidor showed with The Champ that he was very much at home in what Hollywood was now establishing as ‘ the city ’ but not surprisingly he was also taking up other challenges .
17 This was her father 's invention and he was very proud of it .
18 ‘ He 's very gifted , wonderful at languages , good at voices and good-looking , He 's a smashing kid and he 's very musical .
19 Although this happened before my time with 57 Squadron one of the crew became a good friend before he remustered from A/G for pilot training and he was very proud of his Caterpillar Club membership .
20 He knows now his job is on the line and he 's very nervous . ’
21 So you can imagine Frank Clarke thinking well we 've got the wind behind us we 've got ta put a lot of high balls into the box and he is very important to us but at the moment he 's not making the box .
22 I have no doubt that he was very , very intelligent in the ordinary meaning of the word .
23 I have no doubt that he was very very intelligent , in the ordinary meaning of the word , for example I think he probably had a very high I Q , for what that 's worth .
24 Well he ca n't come , because he 's a great big businessman and he 's very important and could n't make it .
25 He knew a great deal about her family and he was very important to her .
26 Contact was made with his son , Ian , who still runs the same garage and he was very interested in the ideas put forward , so much so that he agreed to be the main sponsor for the project .
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