Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Well the bugger is just coming on and he was cleaning the car down hosing her car so he says I turned the hose on him .
32 *John wound up the toy car so he wanted it to go .
33 Some still persist in their view that Morris burnt his boat when he chose previously to hand over the captaincy , saying in effect that he thought his cricket was suffering because of it .
34 Indeed , in a remarkable episode , El Cid is said to have forced Alfonso to swear an oath on sacred relics to the effect that he had nothing to do with his brother 's murder .
35 The driver may be forthcoming that his boss said words to the effect that he knew there was no insurance but the vehicle was the only one available and the journey had to be undertaken .
36 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
37 So he said erm I said to the woman I went to the court this morning so he said when you explain to me he said I 've got money in my pockets cos I borrowed it from dad tha he said I owed sixty two pound so he said I said to the woman in the court how can I pay this the sixty two pounds when you 've frozen my account ?
38 I was n't sure if this was a reproach that he deserted her the rest of the year .
39 ‘ Nowhere have I been presented with so many extraordinary opportunities for startlingly fresh and original material for radio , ’ he says of Greenland , where he borrows a cassette and goes out recording ‘ wild track ’ ( a technical term that he expects us to know , meaning the sound background you hear when the broadcaster mercifully shuts up . )
40 The pittance that he allowed her to keep herself and his two children could not make much of a dent in Tawell 's more than robust bank account .
41 So obsessed was he with the details of administration that he saw nothing inappropriate , while Governor-General of Nigeria , in personally composing a memorandum on the issue of chamber pots to second-class administrative officers : he was , he said , against it .
42 but this time it was a genuine tragedy so he paid me all deposit I put in , he paid me all back , you know , I don I did n't want I do n't want to go caravanning by myself
43 He was also allowed to continue trading , on condition that he kept his trustee supplied with a record of his financial affairs , so as to facilitate repayment of outstanding creditors .
44 To James McGuire , their eldest son , he gave an estate at Houston , in Renfrewshire , and an unknown substantial sum of money , on condition that he changed his name to James McGuire Macrae .
45 The applicant had been granted access to accounts on condition that he paid what was considered to be excessive amounts for rent of room , photocopying , and a union official 's salary .
46 An example may help : property could be left to somebody on condition that he did something .
47 They have taught us that man has meaning only on the condition that he view himself as meaningful .
48 The Lady 's last opponent shifted his seat until he faced her across the board .
49 And the Chief said that does n't compare he said that does not concur with a visit I had last night in Glasgow whilst asleep when he awoke to a gleaming light at his bedroom and he said who are you and this figure said I am God and the Chief Fire Officer said well God , all I want to know is one thing , will I get my southern fire station ?
50 I stumbled into the bedroom and he followed me in .
51 When I left school I would n't go on with me dad at first , I said I wanted to play football and me dad did n't want me to play football and he said you ca n't do a milkround and play football .
52 Pyatt has outstanding hand speed and he demonstrated it to full effect against an opponent who was clearly out of his depth .
53 And of course he goes in and the horse drops in the far side of the wee barn , and er Old goes in with his dram and he dips it into the horse trough you ken , and he turns you ken with his regimental ,
54 Er then he , there 's only three houses in the road that he lived in , , the next one along the road came up for auction and he sold his station and moved up to that and he said he 's just bought the one at the end of the road now which is er seven hundred and fifty thousand he paid for it , a hundred and fifty thousand to have it interior decorated .
55 The language helper can give a command , and obey it himself ; he can give a command and you obey it ; you can give the command and obey it yourself ; you can give the command and he obeys it .
56 So I got up immediately and said it would be the end of a beautiful friendship if he accused me of necrophilia !
57 Fortunately , it was easy to make a decision as Wayne Shelford was already at the club and he gave me an insight into what it was all about and what to expect . ’
58 He had a patch of land he ploughed with a hand plough and he told us stories about coming home across the fields in snowdrifts with carthorses .
59 It was his first real tragedy and he took it very badly .
60 Harold Wilson obviously had something on his mind and he told us that if we watched the television news we would hear something that he was sure would be of interest to us .
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