Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I now find that the perms do n't take very well and I have to have it repermed and even then there is some part where it does not take .
2 He grimaced and scratched his short , curly black hair where it stuck out from under his tartan cap .
3 The first tends to refer mainly to the military context which , while obviously important , is not what this book is about ; and the second is clearly state-centrist , and does not fully convey the scnse of hegemony where it does not directly involve the state , which I take to be crucial .
4 She saw herself , her head a foam of lacy white like the shining tumbleweed caught in the evening light as it floats through the air , handed on to the bar stool , her little feet — her good point — showing beneath the hem of her skirt where it rode up as she adjusted herself .
5 The page printer is a binary device , it either prints a dot or it does n't , and is , therefore , incapable of producing the dots of varying sizes .
6 The brass work was cast in the brass foundry , and from there it was sent to the brass finishing shop for machining and cleaning up , afterwards traversing the plating department where it received either venetian bronze , oxidised silver or plain brass lacquer finish , next passing to position No 3 for fixing in the carriage .
7 Nanchang CJ-6A N3104U was sold on the 18th for $ 40,000 and then the buyer re-entered the aircraft on the 19th auction where it did not sell .
8 Whatever the Labour party 's views in the past , it is incredible that any responsible party could be prepared to take risks with our defence budget and could be prepared to take risks with our nuclear deterrent when the world faces the biggest risk of nuclear proliferation that it has ever faced .
9 Some of the criticism which its recommendations attracted was due to the perception that it concentrated too much on medical and nursing issues .
10 ‘ The fact that the Department had , in effect , advised the partnership that it did not need a licence made it difficult for the Department to point a finger of blame at them , ’ says Sir Anthony .
11 For instance , in the Finale Paray drives the music very hard from start to finish , with the result that it comes over as something genuinely exciting as well as grand and loud .
12 In short , it can really add to a piece so it depends very much on how you handle the music .
13 Bearing in mind that it takes approximately 12 weeks from planting to flowering , it is possible to grow bulbs of many species and varieties to flower at the same time for a spectacular display , and also plant for a succession of flowers if potting up is carefully timed .
14 There is no doubt in her mind that it has all been worthwhile .
15 If the Government adhere to their position , the decision on the bids would be taken not after due consideration and detailed examination but at the outset by telling one bid that it had not been selected to receive the £48,750 assistance .
16 Such may possibly have been the motive behind the creation of the muftilik of Cyprus , but the case for the argument seems stronger in isolation than it does when set against the fact that by 979/1571 the creation of such joint muderris/muftiliks appears to have become quite a common practice .
17 Ironically , during the war years , the pitch was in better condition than it had ever been , as it was given over to the growing of carrots and potatoes .
18 This brightens and hardens the surface of cutlery so it becomes more resistant to wear and it also removes minor scratches .
19 There are signs GM is preparing the necessary US filings and there is talk that it has already approached Jaguar 's union leaders .
20 Many will recall the church as it was , for there is no indication that it changed greatly over the years .
21 The insidious growth of statutory planning restrictions , since the.first real control was introduced forty years ago , has increased with such rapidity that it has often been difficult to keep abreast of new legislation without concentrating exclusively on this aspect of the development process .
22 But a corporation created by or in pursuance of an Act of Parliament is subject to the rule that it has only such powers as are expressly conferred , or are necessarily or reasonably incident to the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is established .
23 David Webb , Tyne Crescent , ‘ I have a car so it does n't matter at all to me .
24 One would then not be saying that natural selection does not adequately account for the evolution of animal life but that one has a certain belief to the effect that it does not do so .
25 A gene has the particular effect that it does only because there is an existing structure upon which to work .
26 This feature is probably best described in terms of the effect that it has rather than how that effect is produced in technical terms .
27 Until he cut it down in later years , his run-up was extremely long — and his saunter back to his mark extremely slow — but the speed that it generated undoubtedly justified the length , and the grace of it all was an aesthetic delight .
28 Likud had portrayed the elections as a test of political strength and was disappointed with the result although it improved slightly on its performance in the last elections in 1985 [ see p. 34008 ] .
29 There is an optimum dosage which suits each patient as the diluting weakens the potency so it does n't overstimulate .
30 This is also a good method of making someone else fall in without even touching them , since if you sail directly upwind of someone and then oversheet the sail , you create such a disturbed and confused wind that it becomes very difficult to sail in .
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