Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 For example , loading the stomach with food or water directly has some satiating effect , but not as great as when the substance is also allowed to pass into the intestine or has previously passed through the mouth .
2 The emission standards were set without regard to the constraints of technological or economic feasibility that had previously influenced policy-making .
3 William Osborne 's project manager , Steve Answell , who was responsible for master-minding the nine-month building phase , commented ‘ The amount of detailed investigation and the thoroughness with which it has been done represents the most comprehensive thinking that has ever gone into a new lifeboat in all the thirty years I have been associated with building them . ’
4 Charles Augustus Busby of the Busby and Wilds partnership that had already provided a number of distinguished buildings in Brighton laid out a plan on the west side for a new , almost self-contained , estate with its own church and markets , to be called Brunswick Square .
5 In terms of active , practical government and politics , however , it was the Investiture Contest that had already begun to change the face of European government .
6 I was pleased to be able to announce that I had followed many of their therapies , but fearfully expressed my alarm and disappointment that having religiously performed my visualizations , cancer may have returned by the back door .
7 The pomp of Parks , Thompson and Dexter must seem further away than ever for a club that has now failed to progress beyond the group stages in 12 of the 21 Benson & Hedges Cup .
8 They are part of a three-year programme that has already seen the opening of six new nurseries with a further eight expected to open later this year .
9 Wherever you look England appear likely to encounter the sort of quality of opposition that has usually ended their World Cup ambitions in the past .
10 Above , I saw where a hole in the tin roof had been repaired with a flattened-out biscuit tin that had once contained Huntley and Palmer 's ginger nuts .
11 Adam scanned his taut features , uncomfortable and slightly puzzled by the undercurrent of tension that had suddenly sprung up .
12 As the responsibility of the Department of Employment , TVEI represents a determined government effort , practically by-passing the government department that has traditionally exercised responsibility for the schools and the school curriculum , to effect a swift and decisive orientation of the curriculum towards what is considered to be of immediate relevance to the skills and know-how required by a technological society .
13 But no-one in Tokyo dares say with any confidence it spells the end of a collapse that has nearly halved the value of Japanese shares since 1989 .
14 Whether Rainbow remembers or not , history will never know , because she is too busy choking on a gulp of tea that has suddenly slipped down the wrong way .
15 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
16 It is not possible here to attempt to unravel the many strands of thought and practice that have historically influenced the contemporary curriculum in this way , but it may be useful to refer briefly to some of them before going on to consider the current pattern .
17 At the bottom flight she walked more demurely , but when she came in sight of the lobby she stopped , watching as Lin Foh was addressed by the man she recognised from the car that had earlier pursued Latowa , and caused it to explode .
18 Inside the boat-house quite a lot of the space was taken up by a flat , barge-type boat that had obviously brought builder 's supplies .
19 What we were just saying Cath was , we was just trying to look at the , the tape that 's just come from Marcus , the erm the film and
20 Science is a highly disciplined industry that has traditionally taken a very dim view of emotional expression .
21 The court heard only 72 cases in the term that has just ended , compared with twice that number a decade ago .
22 He was oddly sluggish and lazy , more like a leery veteran than a horse that had never seen a racecourse .
23 A horse that has apparently recovered completely can remain a carrier for a considerable time and therefore should not be mixed with uninfected horses until nasal swabs are clear of any bacterial growth .
24 United 's triumphant march to a 16th victory rarely looked in doubt against a County side that has now won only once in 14 league games .
25 No patient had a coexisting medical complaint likely to affect bile acid metabolism nor had any undergone previous bowel surgery other than appendicectomy .
26 Finally , there are two general principles of delegation that have certainly stood the test of time .
27 Jane Brown 's gift is to vault the divide that has unfortunately grown up between architects and the rest of us and bring their drawings alive in the most agreeable and informative way .
28 But it was surely natural for it to feel a flutter of impatience with a fading tradition of Edwardian Modernism that had once invited the educated reader to find metaphysical foundations to his faith before he could believe life meant anything or was worth living .
29 It is a condition that has so worsened over the years that I no longer dare perform introductions I simply mumble ’ You two must know each other ’ and leave them to sort it out .
30 To help the customer select the ‘ right ’ style , the company constantly updates its stock and has recently added to its existing ranges Harlequin , Interior Selection , Today 's Interiors , Jab , Romo , Craig and Rose and Brian Yates makes .
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