Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One chooses : to be a depressive or to be creative .
2 In this conventional hierarchy , it is morally worse to intend harm than to be indifferent whether harm results from one 's behaviour .
3 Standards were high , as it was appreciated from the outset that it was not enough for such workers " to have a heart as big as a football and to be able to fingerspell and sign . "
4 With both , it is important to keep an open mind and to be alert to the various clues and pointers to meaning that appear as the communication unfolds .
5 Even if at the time of sale the purchaser does not intend such rationalisation , it will not wish to fetter its discretion to do so in the future and to be able to adapt the business as it wishes to changing market circumstances .
6 While this is true , we want you to feel in control of your weight and to be able to interpret the minor fluctuations that occur from day to day .
7 It is useful , therefore , to incorporate as many cross-checks as possible into the methods adopted for a study and to be aware of the limitations of material gleaned from a single source .
8 In a letter to my wife I spoke of a whole-day conference about the future of Judson College , in which I pressed the representatives of the American Baptist Mission to make Judson into an ecumenical college and to be ready to be integrated into a University unitary system .
9 They have aimed to participate in all , or nearly all , of the major fields , and to be net exporters of major electronics hardware items ( TV sets , computers , telephone switches ) ; they also seek to have a major defence and aerospace industry and to be net exporters of television programming .
10 BGS has to be ready at all times to supply the wants of the market for geoscience and to be aware of potential sources of income , marketing efforts , public relations and promotional activities will be focused more on the commercial sector .
11 Our Father says in His Word ‘ Do not ill treat the stranger but to be kind to them ’ Exodus 22 v 21 , which is right .
12 Lord of the Field , a winner at the Curragh , is an English entry but to be honest it all looks a bit thin on the ground — a bit like the St Leger .
13 Lord of the Field , a winner at the Curragh , is an English entry but to be honest it all looks a bit thin on the ground — a bit like the St Leger .
14 Dewey 's response to such criticism , I suspect , would have been that he was certainly not naive about the nature of those forces but that , if there is to be hope for humanity , there is no alternative but to be optimistic .
15 ‘ Both were using it in the sense that , in regard to the Inns , the judges over a long period , from time to time , had concurred in the Inns performing the duty of selecting those persons who were fit and proper persons to be called to the Bar and to be entitled to a right of audience in the courts and the duty of suspending or prohibiting such persons from practice .
16 The doing of an act which there is a public duty to do — for example , attendance as a witness in response to a subpoena ( below , p. 217 ) has similarly been held to have no value in the law and to be insufficient consideration for a promise made in return for the doing of it .
17 Remember John and I went on a , a visit down to see their hut and to be honest , they were making a very good job of the hut , what they come in for , is er , a second bite , really , erm , they 've got to , to floor the roof which we er , thought was quite interesting .
18 It is impossible for any glider pilot to make a high cloud climb and to be sure of his position .
19 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
20 All adults need to learn about solvent abuse and to be aware that it could happen to their children .
21 Amazingly the EMI Argerich/Rabinovitch Visions de l'Amen I reviewed only in December 1990 has already been deleted , along with the Labèque sisters in the Erato anniversary edition ( 4/89 ) , so there is all the more reason to welcome the Adès issue and to be quick about snapping it up .
22 Rockefeller , a member of the oil and banking family , explained his decision on the grounds that there was too little time to organise a successful campaign and to be ready to form an administration which would meet his " own high standards " .
23 Honda manager Neil Tuxworth said : ‘ Someone rammed the back of Phillip 's bike and to be honest he 's not in a fit state to race .
24 One person needs to have overall responsibility and to be ready to ‘ nod ’ to leaders of each of the groups when it is their ‘ time ’ .
25 First , capital needs are sizeable if firms wish to become major players , to invest in technology , to be able to handle underwriting and distribution , notably of " bought deals " , to hire expertise and to be able to trade and make markets .
26 Some of the work has already been done , but we still need to find around £15,000 to enable the expert witnesses to prepare their statements of case and to be available to present their evidence at the inquiry .
27 But erm what we would like is for any of you who are actually here at that time to attend that mass and to be involved in some way , to do some sort of erm service .
28 I did that because I got an amazing about of money and to be honest I rather liked the idea of swanning around in a special effects car .
29 In return , parents might promise not to keep criticizing his friends , to give an increased allowance of pocket money and to be ready to admit when they are in the wrong .
30 From 1948 when the National Insurance Scheme started , married women were given the option to pay the full-rate contribution for a pension in their own right or to be dependent on their husbands ' contributions and to pay a very reduced rate contribution — called the small stamp .
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