Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] be need [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Does not the Minister agree that it will be a travesty if the same formula is used this year and my constituents are therefore robbed of much more money that is needed for health in the area ?
2 But they will take into account any special help that is needed for somebody who 's disabled .
3 Although there are literally hundreds of blood-tests that can be performed in medical practice , it is usually only the serological tests for syphilis that are needed in the genito-urinary medicine clinic , and there is no point in asking , as many patients do , for their blood-group or their haemoglobin level , as these investigations will not have been done .
4 " The implementation of this Specification rests on the goodwill that is needed towards those passengers for whom these features cater " .
5 Funboard sailing , by its very nature , requires more agility and suppleness than is needed in light winds .
6 The articles show the bravery , skill and commitment that is needed by each of the lifeboat crews .
7 If the stitch pattern is smaller than the garment piece , the program will automatically fill the screen with more repeats of the pattern than is needed for the size of the garment shape .
8 Those that do come are small pallid workers , inching their way in long columns across the floor and down the shafts to collect the moist mud that is needed for further building work .
9 Every country has different requirements , and it is vitally important for Welsh lamb producers to be fully aware of the type of lamb that is needed for the various export markets .
10 He 'll tell you how to collect the sample of urine that is needed for the test .
11 We used to do any typing that was needed for the Aurae Phiala publications , and for the few little books and articles Stephen occasionally produced .
12 The General Staff was left with unenviable task of deploying a smaller army than was needed in such a way as to reduce the risks of the Sandys Reformation .
13 These are features of life that are needed for a balance .
14 This has never had it so this as far as I 'm concerned really , the only thing that is needs to be made clear , is that we must accept of principle that 's all we need to reason .
15 ‘ He 's got the mathematical background that 's needed for the future , ’ the impresario said .
16 Consequently , it is possible to identify types of information that are needed by language processing systems but are either absent from or wrongly presented within the dictionary .
17 The amount of information that is needed for a company 's marketing information system will depend on the extent of its current involvement or potential interest in an overseas market .
18 This is the amount of memory that is needed for the computer to undertake all the different tasks which the software requires .
19 Because your story is told actively , through the places your private-eye goes to and the people he encounters , you will need to have much less of the puzzle element than was needed by the writers of detective stories and even the writers of detective novels .
20 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
21 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
22 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
23 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
24 Therefore , although it was a little slower in use , no time was lost in the field through frequent breaks for sharpening with the rub-stone as were needed with both swap-hook and scythe .
25 The expertise , professionalism and caring interest that are needed by all pupils from those who teach them give the best basis for the education and support of pupils with special needs , including those who have visual disabilities .
26 The effect is small , develops gradually , is blocked by Ca 2+ channel antagonists , and requires stronger tetanic stimulation for its induction than is needed for NMDA receptor-dependent LTP .
27 Often , it is not brand new R&D that is needed at all , but rather the application of existing knowledge to a wide range of problems and processes within manufacturing industry .
28 which mainly depends on benzene and is needed for the ICI fibres business and for plastics .
29 We shall become poor men , nomads who possess nothing , just wandering minds who spend only as much time as is needed on our physical affairs and then depart free men .
30 As mentioned above , to remove magnesium bicarbonate hardness requires twice as much lime as is needed for calcium bicarbonate .
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