Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] say [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The comedian Spike Milligan held forth about God , Diana gave a priceless diamond and pearl necklace to a friend to look after while she danced ; while the Queen was observed looking through the programme and saying in bemused tones : ‘ It says here they have live music ’ , as though it had just been invented .
2 It was a moment or two before she was able to control the wild surge of emotion and say with commendable aplomb , ‘ Good morning , Signor Lorenzo .
3 He put out his hand to her shoulder , warm under the gritty film of sand and said with mock pomposity .
4 Jess stuck out her tongue at the broad back and said in demure tones : ‘ No , but her is … no offence meant . ’
5 A single tear fell on it before he regained control and said with quiet pride , ‘ The traitor escaped our justice , but our refuge remained a secret . ’
6 Matilda looked right back into the flashing eyes of this infuriated female giant and said with total calmness , ‘ I have not moved away from my desk , Miss Trunchbull , since the lesson began .
7 Visiting me in hospital , hot foot from the Middle East , with his Brigadier 's tabs and row of medals , he stroked his moustache and said in crisp tones , ‘ Pity you had n't got a bit more promotion , boy .
8 As they passed him , he looked directly at Midnight for the first time and said with genuine feeling : ‘ I 'm sorry .
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