Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [be] [adv] know " in BNC.

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1 Recently , there has been a moving together again , but in the 1930s there developed at the University of Chicago a tradition of social research that is now known as the ‘ Chicago School ’ .
2 Mitcham which contains a number of interesting Georgian houses , is now a separate borough and is well known for its historic cricket green and its lavender factory .
3 At the beginning of the Triassic the dominant land animals were the mammal-like reptiles , the synapsids , although they had already been badly affected by dramatic events at the end of the Permian ; catastrophic events of the kind that are now known to have turned the course of Earth 's history several times .
4 Mr Gordon Brown , shadow trade secretary , asked : ‘ Why have we had to rely on the Ombudsman to confirm the mismanagement , the maladministration and incompetence that was widely known more than a year ago ? ’
5 Over the centuries these became distinct in type and are now known as Night Goblins .
6 If there is an express prohibition on assigning the benefit it is important to distinguish between the benefit of the contract , namely the right of each party to have a contract performed in accordance with its terms , and the benefits which arise under the contract , namely those rights which arise incidentally from the performance of the contract and are sometimes known as the fruits of performance such as the right to claim for damages under the contract .
7 Others such as South Korea , Taiwan and Brazil are developing a diversified manufacturing base and are collectively known as New Industrial Countries ( NICs ) .
8 DARLINGTON has always prided itself on its railway heritage and is nationally known as the railway town .
9 I had been trying to get a membership list for the Cicero Club , but the only other name I could come up with was George Macready , a scarfaced iceman who had a profitable share of the City 's gambling and was best known for his sword-extruding walking stick .
10 Jack had married the daughter of the Westward family , as unlikely a match as was ever known in the country , but necessary since a child was on the way .
11 Lovers of freedom throughout the world looked to this vision with hope and it is with profound sadness that they see the vision momentarily dimmed , and with this dimming has come a confusion of purpose and a sense of despair that was never known before in America .
12 Doctor Maingay was fifty if she was a day but was widely known to be unmarried .
13 Its purpose was to provide art historians with examples of antique sculpture that were definitely known to Renaissance artists such as Donatello and Ghiberti and influenced their work .
14 But I think the the where we lived er er there was this woman that was well known for doing , and she lived in a very tiny house .
15 The exponential increase in the amount of DNA sequence that is now known , and the universal accessibility of this data through computer databases , mean that any scientist can quickly start to study genes of interest in his or her own laboratory .
16 These sloping tables were often set into the ground and were then known as buddles , but there were circular convex and concave huddles which were mechanical .
17 Beginning in the 50s , we became active in a pre-civil rights movement and were later known as a civil rights school .
18 The front teeth or incisors are shaped so they can cut the smallest blade of grass and are sometimes known as the chopping teeth .
19 The leaves have a distinctive aniseed flavour and are also known as ‘ dill weed ’ .
20 A group of Militia from Yavas , who formed a choir that was well known throughout the Dubrovlag , sang for an hour and a quarter .
21 Tylers have never recognized any union and are well known for the low rates and poor conditions that they impose on their workers .
22 Anyone expecting a story about inflight cyclic stick failure would have been disappointed , however : the piece concerned a helicopter pilot named Paul who had undergone a sex-change operation and is now known as Paula .
23 The cafe/terrace is an ideal place to relax and watch the world go by , and its a la carte restaurant has excellent food and is well known amongst the local residents .
24 It is established that the nerves mediating the rectoanal inhibitory reflex lie wholly in the wall of the gut and are thus known as enteric ( intrinsic ) inhibitory neurons .
25 But the bird that is best known for extracting insects from wood by means of a tool is the woodpecker finch of the Galapagos Islands .
26 One member of the caucus was particularly prominent in its activity and was well known as an innovator in the NHS .
27 Sir John has a finger in every pie and is well known to the harbour masters all along the south coast . ’
28 And it 's a family that 's well known as a bit you know Geordies and that and a couple of rottweilers .
29 That is made clear in the Library note and is generally known .
30 It belongs to the rail family and is commonly known as a woodhen .
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