Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [conj] they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I knew it by the way their eyes glowed green and yellow in the dark and because they always hopped in my direction in spite of how much I hated them .
2 She saw the man emerge from the car and as they both turned towards the house she quickly shut the curtain .
3 Whether one believes that ideas of morality determine the content of criminal law or that they instead serve as justification for the state or a social class to exert economic and political control , the relationship between law and morals is important .
4 Whether because they have genuinely changed their political philosophy or because they simply realize that they will never get away with it in a modern pluralistic society , for whatever reason , conservative Protestants have preferred to follow the democratic inheritance of the Reformation .
5 the will and intelligence of the victim be disengaged from the projects of resistance and escape but that they not be simply broken or destroyed .
6 The Court of Appeal reached their decision with regret because as they clearly saw Mr. Tully is seeking to exploit the privilege against self-incrimination in order to frustrate the plaintiffs ' claims .
7 ( Part of the reason for this undoubtedly lay in the fact that the foraging hominids of whom we are speaking were in part already pre-adapted to upright posture by an evolutionary past different to that of today 's gelada baboon and because they probably already possessed cerebral development going beyond that of a mere monkey thanks to their common ancestry with today 's great apes . )
8 They build idealised models but then carry them over into real usage as though they really existed , forgetting that they had initially involved ‘ bracketing ’ certain assumptions .
9 ( i ) Reselection is every five years for a further five-year period : ( a ) If panel members are with the same firm they would be expected to demonstrate at least the same level of competence covering their experience , skills and knowledge as when they initially joined the panel , and to have attended a number of updating courses , accumulating at least 20 continuing education points ( or hours ) from courses related to medical negligence work .
10 Little cottages line lanes that jut off from each other as though they too were trying to hide away .
11 And what the difference is that er , we thought that you could have one young person per district and that they only have to pay thirty two pounds each , but I think these are only purely
12 There was a clear feeling on the part of some Councillors that , since the School was no longer under their sole control and since they now had their own Technical School to worry about ( they had been responsible for its organization and financing from March 1892 ) , they need no longer be too concerned about the Grammar School .
13 This , teachers and educational technologists will always happily agree , is the librarian 's professional job , and what surprises people is not that librarians classify and catalogue but that they sometimes believe they know something about the contents of their books and AV items , offer advice on quality and relevance , and have pronounced views on how they would like their libraries to be used .
14 What people sometimes fail to realise is that standard provisions are fine as a general guide but that they often have to be amended ( or even dropped altogether ) to allow the transaction to make ‘ commercial sense ’ on both sides .
15 Minimising — accepting that there are problems but denying that they are of any great significance or that they necessarily have any connection with alcohol or drug use : " An alcoholic is someone who drinks more than I do . "
16 Too close and you get swept over the edge except that they usually have some sort of wire-mesh barrier to stop you at the last moment .
17 They choose the following extract and ask you to submit a target version of it , stating that they appreciate that you may not have had time to read the whole novel but that they just want to see how you might handle Le Carré 's language .
18 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
19 By keeping it more or less behind them and to their left they could be sure of travelling north-west which was the direction they believed right but the inequalities of the ground often forced them out of their way and although they always returned to their line they had to guess what corrections to make to allow for obstacles .
20 It should be noted that these instincts and qualities may be present in varying degrees of intensity and that they often merge into one another and are interrelated .
21 We know that , in general , the literati became the bureaucratic agents of the established political order and that they always took it for granted that hierarchy is part of the natural order of things .
22 More specifically , his experiments showed , he claimed , that the cells always developed according to their relative position within the embryo , and this sense of position required that there be a self-organizing coordinate system which told the cells their position and that they then knew what to do .
23 Some people do this to such an extent that although they never get angry , they are not always kind or tolerant , and can be cold , dogmatic people .
24 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
25 Some have become prepared to forgo promotion if it means too much disruption of home and family and if they personally do not want the commuting life .
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