Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb past] them " in BNC.

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1 I thought it was n't fair that I should begin to show when I was barely into my fourth month , and I got angry with my clothes , as if it were their fault that I pulled them out of shape .
2 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
3 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
4 No sooner were the words out of her mouth than she regretted them .
5 Sammy was presently delivering one of our Nautor Swans to its Massachusetts owner ; many of the charter yachts were privately owned and only leased into Cutwater 's care on condition that we delivered them back to their owners for the northern summer .
6 They were built with me in mind and I liked them and got a couple from Fender .
7 There surely are some people in A&R who would n't recognise talent if it hit them squarely between the eyes and others inebriated on their own power .
8 He hardly knew the people in his own house , only to exchange a casual greeting if he met them going out or coming in .
9 There are tigers there , and there 's leopards and things called sloth bears , a sort of bear , but they 're actually quite rare so er we did n't see any of those , apart from the rhinos , we went very very quietly crawled under the undergrowth and we saw them in a water hole and they were just bathing there .
10 Do you know what different kinds of ‘ ministry ’ are described in the New Testament and who carried them out ?
11 In fact , I only met one decorator … a young couple wanted to buy a piece and I offered them a discount as they had n't got a decorator - at which she drew herself up and said : ‘ We are not married .
12 Anyway he looked like that he had a red car and he was sitting in the car and he put them down like that and they were like that in the car and after I thought I should 've popped at her house see if she 's wearing that in the house I thought you git .
13 She tugged on her jeans over damp legs , cursing and falling over on to the bed , struggling with the clinging fabric until she had them hitched finally over her hips .
14 There were tracks over the snow and we followed them that day .
15 She looked different with her hair cut and it made them feel shy .
16 Because that was super light and they took them .
17 It er er he pleated the he the halter into the tail of the leading horse and he took them down the road in a string like a train .
18 Until the seventeenth century the courts would declare Acts of Parliament void if they considered them contrary to natural law , repugnant to the law or impossible to be performed .
19 I left right , right , I ran off I jumped out the car because I heard them driving round the corner
20 Her mum came down the street steaming from the chip shop , and she rushed us inside and got me to make a pot of tea while she shared them all out between the three of us , and we all sat round their fire eating them .
21 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
22 Sometimes tourists wandered in off Longacre and looked about the hall of this famous British institution before he ushered them out .
23 Christopher was a slight child , with rather too thin arms and legs , and little flat wrists which always gave Carolyn a stab of apprehensive fear when she noticed them .
24 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
25 To assume so would be seriously to underestimate the ability of civil servants to use the rhetoric of Keynesianism when it suited them and to ignore it when it did not .
26 My results were received with general disbelief when I announced them at a conference near Oxford .
27 The Court of Appeal held that he had appropriated the goods for the purposes of theft when he showed them the goods and invited them to buy .
28 Almost as if you understood what was in my mind when I designed them . ’
29 Murad II came out of retirement to inflict a severe defeat on this motley force when he confronted them at Varna .
30 A slight smile curled the edges of his wide mouth as he watched them disappear behind a large veteran hay wagon parked on the far side of the pub yard .
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