Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [modal v] only " in BNC.

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1 The most difficult question is what to do with the beef mountain , created , in the words of one senior Commission official , by a process which ‘ takes the best beef , freezes it and so destroys it , with the result that it can only be sold to people who can not afford it . ’
2 While the UNHCR in Geneva has welcomed the move , its officials on the ground fear that it will only make things more difficult .
3 Toward the end of the war , many artillery pieces were of such a size and weight that they could only be moved around on specially strengthened railway freight wagons .
4 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
5 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
6 I made it a condition that I 'd only do it with an American choreographer , and my assistant is American , too . ’
7 It is not like me to lack perception and I can only suppose that my enthusiasm overruled my common sense .
8 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
9 The crackling of a fire , the dawn chorus of the birds , the sound of waves upon the shore ; most of these go unnoticed and yet each of them can give a great deal of pleasure if we could only learn to become aware of them .
10 It is entitled to see ( and debate , if necessary ) the annual accounts and report of each industry but it can only question the minister on those aspects of the industry 's activities for which the minister is responsible .
11 Physical restraint may be used as a defence against potential or escalating violence but it should only be employed if there is a reasonable chance of success .
12 This is nearly as demanding as the main route so I 'd only do it if the tops are covered in mist or you are absolutely worn out .
13 and the deck , so you make what say , a hundred quid there , cos brand new speakers and a brand new record deck so you 'd only be paying four hundred quid for it
14 It is clear from the decision that they would only be prepared to do this in clear cases of abuse of power and would impose a much higher standard than in the case of an exercise of statutory power .
15 Rosemary apparently has to cope with her husband 's anxiety that she could only be cured by becoming more ‘ assertive ’ .
16 But when we exercise we need more oxygen and we can only get that by pumping more blood around our body .
17 if it was a machine and you can only use your own pin number you see to do everything
18 Moreover , catching up can not explain the slowdown in US productivity which occurred outside the manufacturing sector and which can only partly be explained by the less intense expansion once the excess capacity of the early 1960s had been used up .
19 But if you had your name and year at the top you could actually put a simple statement along the bottom because you 'll only be issuing it for year nine
20 In this case the motherboard replacement is n't as clear cut a winner and it would only take a slight change , such as not being able to use the RAM , to make it look even worse .
21 When asked who they will vote for , they are being asked as experts because they know about their own vote ; ask them who will win the election and they can only guess , rely on anecdotal information or regurgitate polls or commentators they have read .
22 Some names will occur naturally in the narrative and I can only hope that the others know how highly their contribution , co-operation and companionship were valued .
23 They follow roughly parallel courses down from high mountains to the coastal plain ; all have lochs serving as reservoirs ; all have roads , public or private , that extend far into the interior and there end ; none of them is accessible by road from the west and they can only be approached by wheeled traffic coming from the east .
24 Population was increasing , trade and industry growing ; it was an expanding economy with wonderful new opportunities for making money if one could only strike the right spot .
25 Because each and every one of our guests is treated with the inimitable style and personal attention that you could only expect from such a grand hotel .
26 The provision as to three months ' notice has to be read with the limitation that there can only be dismissal for good cause .
27 For example , we believe as a group that we can only survive in our chosen business of the chemical industry if we serve the customers who are at the leading edge of development , wherever they may be .
28 Or it can be extended into the simple truth that we can only fulfil our obligations to our neighbours when society takes collective decisions about individual rights and individual responsibilities .
29 That way there would be plenty of decent players for each team and it would only take me a couple of hours per week to sort out .
30 In a similar position would be a street trader , who regularly deals with a certain wholesaler and who could only gain credit from him by guaranteeing to purchase his goods .
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