Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Editorial assistant Paula Lockey spent a day at Grayshott Hall Health and Fitness Resort where she had a body massage , a reflexology consultation and an hour-long Cathiodermie facial .
2 Increasingly , we feel the main objective should be to give support where we have a significant local presence — a refinery or chemicals plant , for example .
3 Sociable holidays with full board where you share a large house ( or a luxury Motor Cruiser ) with 12 to 20 other guests .
4 Similarly a grant is paid to staff who move from a rented unfurnished house or flat to a similar property at the new base or who buy a house of their own at the new location .
5 The conflict develops in the second part where it reaches a climax : in Giselle a death , in Romeo and Juliet several deaths .
6 Nowadays , in artificial leg technology , you can get this special foot where you put an Allen key in the heel and hey presto : you can wear high heels .
7 Wirral-born Mike joined the company in 1979 from Newcastle University where he gained a chemical engineering degree .
8 Educated at Rotherham Grammar School and the Leys School , Cambridge , Bailey attended Sheffield University where he obtained a B.Eng. in 1923 .
9 Michael Redgrave was fortunate in having an excellent stepfather , and was able to study for four years at Cambridge University where he obtained an honourable B.A. ( Cantab . ) .
10 He did n't tell her it broke his heart every time the Argentines hurt a horse or he saw a terrified stray dog racing by the side of the road .
11 The patient will die within a dew days unless either a special machine is used to clean the blood or he/she has a kidney transplant .
12 Or Natural Selection ? , but is introduced in the next short chapter where we take a brief diversion to present something of the vast integrated cycles by which life is maintained upon our planet .
13 On the porch outside the front door , I kicked off my sandals and pushed them to one side where they joined an already substantial pile of varying styles and sizes .
14 Grayson played soccer for Parklands High School before going on to Preston College where he played a little rugby in 1989 but never thought of taking up the game .
15 He first came to prominence as a speaker when he joined the British Union of Fascists , founded by Sir Oswald Mosley [ q.v. ] , after some years at Birkbeck College where he obtained a first-class honours degree in English , and he helped to found a National Socialist party in London .
16 An example of the former came from Continental FC 's captain Barry Dennis , who , having left school , went to college where he gained a Full Technological Certificate enabling him to take a position in the computer industry .
17 There are many people who come into English-language teaching without having passed through formal pedagogic processes , so that when they are confronted with the terminology of the subject , they may be at a disadvantage to those who have already been to teacher-training college or who have a university degree in linguistics .
18 We flew to San Diego on the West Coast where we hired a car and headed for the bright lights of Las Vegas .
19 However , this principle is of little weight where it produces an unfair and unreasonable result ( Basingstoke and Deane BC v Host Group [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 348 ) .
20 It was necessary to the experiment that we select a sexually mature but inexperienced woman .
21 It is very unlikely that any opposition party will win an election until it convinces the electorate that it has an economic policy which is internally coherent and a defence policy which measures up to its name .
22 So angry was he with her that he flung a handful of the stars after her , and they fell to earth with such force that they formed a row of waterholes across the country .
23 In practice it would be almost impossible to disprove a claim by the defendant that he had a licence but had lost it and had forgotten from which local taxation office it had been issued .
24 With the result that you 've a choice which can get the very best out of your budget , your kitchen and your cooking .
25 I had asked similar questions and was advised to try Jones + Brother with the result that I bought a KA881 with ribber and eventually we made some lovely garments together .
26 The stock was always conceived as essentially complementary to the house 's fine interior , with the result that it retained a domestic atmosphere .
27 The Judge found in favour of Sergt. Kerr … but for the plaintiff against P. C. Neame for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment , assessing the damages at £100 with costs … it was alleged the plaintiff was struck by both police officers and severely handled in the street and in the Bridewell , with the result that he received an injury to his right eye which necessitated its removal in hospital …
28 The cast could n't have come from Stavanger 's teeth : he was wounded in the mouth by a piece of shrapnel during the war , and lost a good many teeth , with the result that he wore a plate with artificial teeth in both upper and lower jaws .
29 As erm as a doctor , Bill , I have ingrained on my heart Aneurin Bevan 's words when the National Health Service was introduced in this country by the post-war Labour government , against the wishes of my colleagues , and he commented that he would erm cross our palms with silver , and he did that very successfully , with the result that he stifled a lot of opposition amongst some very powerful people , and erm of course when you 're trying to introduce a new scheme such as this and you 're terribly keen that erm it should take off and be successful , you do , of course , cross palms with silver .
30 The engine compartment had to be outside the cockpit for acoustic and thermal insulation so we introduced a vertical backlight for good rear visibility and blended it into the fins sloping down from the roof , which gave a certain lightness to the rear pillars , This solution has become a constant feature on all Pininfarina Ferraris up to the Testarossa .
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