Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Berry arrived with his party at base camp where he ran into the Kazakh climber Valeri Krishchaty by chance .
2 Doug reaches intermittently into his crisp packet and feeds them into his mouth where they blend into a rubbery combination of mixed mash .
3 You went to college so you got into the Socialist Worker 's Party or whatever .
4 Mark fell onto the road with such force that he went into a coma from which he never recovered .
5 If tourism is to be properly recognised as Scotland 's largest employer , and recognised for the very considerable revenue that it brings into the country , it must first be given higher priority within the Scottish Office itself .
6 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
7 She put the onus quite honestly straight back on to parents , er it reminded me a little bit like er of the furore that she created about you know there are so many people being mugged , well is n't it their own fault that they go into dark places .
8 For example , the perceived colours of objects are only loosely related to the wavelengths of light that they reflect into our eyes .
9 He needed some toothpaste so he went into the chemists .
10 Meanwhile , on Sept. 6 the junta apparently offered to release Suu Kyi from house arrest on condition that she went into exile and renounced politics .
11 The SLORC had repeatedly offered her freedom on condition that she went into exile , but Aris said that she never discussed this " because she says that it is not negotiable " .
12 Negotiations led to Angus being allowed to surrender unharmed on condition that he went into exile in England , while the Red Douglas possessions were declared forfeit .
13 I see no earthly reason why we should shackle British Rail in providing a better service still in terms of safety and speed if it comes into conflict with those who want to walk across the line .
14 A crossed cheque therefore gives some protection against fraud if it falls into the wrong hands .
15 ‘ Once I was out shopping with a girlfriend and we went into a store .
16 Then st and then e erm Terrace and we went into er er somewhere .
17 I can realise my stock and pay twenty bob in the pound if I go into voluntary liquidation now , before Masters of Notts gets deeper into trouble .
18 Black spots will appear on silver if it comes into contact with dry dishwasher powder .
19 Certainly there were new developments after 1660 which created new sources of political tension and which fed into the emergence of party , whilst over time the parties modified and adapted their positions to cope with new problems , issues and contingencies .
20 But there 's a big difference in my view between the sort of regular abuse and assaults on staff in a Casualty Department and somebody walking into what should have been a locked ward on a children 's unit in a hospital at two o'clock in the morning .
21 Town president Pat Darnell was himself a rugby fan until he wandered into the soccer ground at Leicester by mistake , and was converted .
22 French filmmakers produce several hundred movies a year , while in Britain and Ireland we declare a boom if we get into double figures .
23 A flush of embarrassment rose to her cheeks at her own uncharacteristic forwardness and she lapsed into an unhappy silence , which to her surprise the Frenchman broke a minute later .
24 Someone had put on a Roy Orbison album and she slipped into the man 's arms to the strains of ‘ Crying ’ .
25 Old Betsy blew on the crinkled taper and it burst into flame .
26 However , problems arise because these lenses can damage the corneal endothelium if they come into contact with it during surgery .
27 It took Prescott a good ten minutes to describe the full pointlessness of his life as a stockbroker and man-about-town before the combined effects of drink and sustaining a conversation took their toll and he declined into a glazed , sullen silence .
28 Er then he made the I 'd better cut back to the business card because you jumped into the statement of purpose erm you assum er there was an assumed er was okay erm I put superb and I ca n't remember what that actually was there .
29 It 's his age that is against him , but he 's helped me a great deal since I came into the Irish squad . ’
30 One pushed her into the passenger seat while he got into the driver 's seat and the other jumped into the back .
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