Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [conj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And if they were given the opportunity or or and the impetus to start to do something positive , I 'm sure they would take that up .
2 But there would be time enough to intervene on the Continent if and when the Russian advance began .
3 This must be born in mind if and when the allocation of units is under consideration .
4 Yep , I 'd finished the lodging houses , they were rough , my word they were rough , they used to get drunk and fighting , and of course they used to be amusing really they used to get fighting at a lodging house quite close to the dock and after when the windows was smashed , we would find that they 'd been temporarily repaired with a coal sack taken from the coal yard next door , and all that sort of business , and anyhow , nothing particular out of the way happened until three years later of course when we got the general strike , and the strikers used to meet outside the labour institution headquarters in Street .
5 The case indicates that the type of benefit which was provided from the property user was the fact that the taxpayer could live there without paying rent and that if the accommodation had not been provided he would have been obliged to hire a house elsewhere and pay rent for the same .
6 He knows that mothers who suffer such damage at the scene will continue to receive compensation unless and until the legislature decides otherwise .
7 Your Lordships are well aware that the costs of litigation are a subject of general public concern and I personally would not wish to be a party to changing a well established rule which could have a substantial effect in increasing these costs against the advice of the Law Commissions and the Renton Committee unless and until a new inquiry demonstrated that that advice was no longer valid .
8 Certainly with regard to the accusations of the officers , he should have told the jury that such accusations , particularly those not supported by evidence , did not amount to evidence in the case and that where a defendant declined to reply the net result of the questions and answers was nil .
9 ‘ I would say more generally that whenever money is paid to the revenue pending the outcome of a dispute which , to the knowledge of both parties , will determine whether or not the revenue are entitled to the money , an agreement for the repayment of the money if and when the dispute is resolved in the taxpayer 's favour must inevitably be implied unless the statute itself produces that result , as it does , for example , in cases falling within paragraph 10(4) of Schedule 20 to the Finance Act 1972 .
10 We shall have to consider that decision if and when the time comes , and we have a right in this House to do so .
11 Where specific adhesions are involved the the , the structures that are , are most commonly associated with a , require a specific receptor for the adhesion reaction to take place and that if the potential host does n't have specific receptor they 're not susceptible to that particular strain of organisms .
12 Hering realized that disease was the result of imbalance somewhere in the body and that if a true cure was to be effected , the imbalance had to be corrected .
13 This was built into the developing environment from the start , and continued to receive attention as and when the opportunity arose to help the children expand their existing range of choices .
14 Two separate processes of expansion appear to be visible : an outward expansion along the roads , representing the primary use of convenient and ready-made frontages , and an outward expansion away from the roads into new land , reflecting a secondary process as and when the need for access to the centre became an overriding concern .
15 ‘ Where there is a contract for the sale of unascertained goods no property is transferred to the buyer unless and until the goods are ascertained . ’
16 He says , the wicked are like the tossing sea , and you know , as far the bible is concerned , the wicked is not necessarily the man or the woman who does terrible deeds , the wicked is not necessarily who is , who is a murderer , or a child molesterer , or a thief or or or a wife beater or something like that , the wicked is the person who rejects God , who turns their back on God , who says thank you , I can go through my life without , I do n't need you , I do n't even believe you exist , and even if I do believe you exist I 'm gon na do things my way , I 'm gon na go through life as I choose .
17 There is much evidence to show that personnel management could be improved within the service and that unless the right managerial attitudes prevail , no amount of policies or procedures will compensate .
18 He must not address the defendant in terms which suggest that the sample must be of one kind rather than the other unless and until the two possibilities have been explained to the defendant and a fair opportunity given to him to say , if he wishes , which he would prefer to give and why .
19 In 1982 , the Maryland court which had originally endorsed the use of hypnosis to enhance recall , and which had the most experience in the issues surrounding forensic hypnosis , ruled that no witness who has been hypnotised will ever be allowed to testify in Maryland court unless or until the scientific community can document its reliability .
20 Er I really ca n't accept that er general questionnaire responded to sixty five per cent twelve per cent of sixty five per cent of you will recognise and agree that changes were needed that are existing now erm and so there must be evidence as and when the erm district erm district erm .
21 I I suspect neither at the moment do the er do the National Rivers Authority or or or the water authority .
22 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
23 It is known that the prevalence increases with age and that while the incidence in children is lower than that in adults , intrafamilial clustering has been shown .
24 This results in the Collectair library gaining valuable notes , all of which is carefully filed away for use as and when the archive that has been created over the past few years becomes available to students of aviation history .
25 There is the further consideration that if after a Jury has deliberately decided that a person ought to be put to death , the Home Secretary should nevertheless find it his duty to recommend clemency , there would appear to be a conflict between the Crown and the Jury .
26 Legend has it that he used to angle in the Adige river and that when the waters flooded , many years after his death , they were stopped from breaching the walls of his church by prayers to his memory .
27 The meadow began to mushroom with tents and huts and the street theatre erupted into an explosion of living history , the performers flinging themselves to the ground and then leaping into the air as and when the idea occurred and making funny faces all the while .
28 There is also no way of knowing what use the authorities will make of the information if and when the VAN team does give them a warning that another Richter-7 earthquake is due in 7 or 11 hours time .
29 As always , remember to practise sl-ow-ly at first and only build up the tempo as and when the part begins to feel comfortable .
30 D do you predict that the the political nature of of the town at least wi will be will be changed in quite a fundamental way if and when the strike ends as a consequence of over this new ?
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