Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] even a " in BNC.

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1 Diplomats and diplomatic representation , it could be argued , were for these states a doubtfully necessary luxury and perhaps even a dangerous one .
2 No reply and not even a hint of a smile .
3 He uses crack and cocaine and amphetamines , then more crack and more cocaine and perhaps even a speedball to round things off .
4 It was the Collector 's hope that thus even a few men would be able to keep up a heavy fire .
5 Fate 's twists and turns will bring some new players on to the scene and possibly even a whole new game plan .
6 The hon. Gentleman appears to argue that it would be better to use a method based on population , irrespective of need or possibly even a sensitive formula-driven system which would take account of different needs of different regions .
7 If you are lucky enough to have full length cupboards in the hallway , they can easily be reorganized to take china , cutlery , glass and linen and maybe even a trolley or serving cart .
8 No calculated glances , no abrupt addresses , no stratagems , just the easy politeness , he thought , of the worldly gentleman and not even a sly request for a hot stone or a late candle to his room .
9 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
10 ‘ It was a feeling of being suspended — it was not a negative feeling and not even a loss to be mourned , but I just could not see a way ahead .
11 In other words , if a Portuguese or indeed even a Polish business is the official employer of workers seconded for three months to a worksite in Germany , these workers would have to make do with the minimum wage provided for by Portuguese or Polish legislation .
12 Even before 1905 a large minority and probably even a majority of their members were drawn from the lower classes .
13 The calyx ( or joined calyces ) then continue into a stalk or pedunculus of nerve fibres which ends deep in the brain by a complicated root system composed of a recurrent alpha-lobe , a beta-lobe and sometimes even a third gamma-lobe .
14 From the early days , the children destined for university would have acquired at least the rudiments of Greek and perhaps even a little Hebrew : books in all three languages had been left to the School by William Nicholson , the Master , in 1597 .
15 Thus , whereas a horseman 's work formerly revolved almost entirely around his horses , his modern counterpart must not only be a tractor driver but a ‘ general farm worker ’ — a mechanic , a labourer and perhaps even a part-time stockman , too .
16 There was complete silence and not even a breath of wind disturbed the peace .
17 A light touch and not even a mouse could have scuttled through that ballroom without setting off the alarm all over the house — and the city .
18 As the Lord Chancellor indicated when the Bill was in committee , the provision was deliberately tailored to meet those exceptional cases involving ‘ the sort of invention which may revolutionise a company or perhaps even a whole industry ’
19 She was in a black gloom because not even a postcard had arrived from Ricky .
20 After a brief goodnight and not even a peck on the cheek he looked down , then said , ‘ I 'll be in touch some time , Sarella . ’
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