Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] [noun] rather " in BNC.

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1 These are particularly useful to describe situations where events occur in parallel or in patterns rather than in a single series .
2 I suppose I could it Spring and to Taunton rather than Spring and Autumn
3 It has got to be explicit that the issue of a local authority majority and of co-option rather than the appointment is on the agenda for discussion between now
4 Colleagues , the time gained by having only one and recruitment and on negotiations rather at least two could be much better utilized than the certain , the day to day needs of membership .
5 Not all could , or would , do this but , even if they did , the problem that patients might choose the type of food because of habit rather than careful deliberation still exists .
6 This is so called because it is available to the general public or to civilians rather than to the authorities .
7 Would the existence of the quota scheme undermine the moral argument that disabled people deserve equal treatment and opportunity as of right rather than by concession ?
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