Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] they [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly 1,000 correspondents from around the world have been accredited to cover the match and among them the betting is that Kasparov will win .
2 Anyone in late eighteenth-century London who was anxious to ‘ insure the removal of barrenness ’ or ‘ improve , exalt , and invigorate the body and through them the mental faculties of the human species ’ , need not have looked further than the Temple of Health where Dr James Graham had constructed what he modestly termed his ‘ medico-magnetico-musico-electrical bed ’ .
3 Video can bring an assortment of people into the classroom and through them a range of issues .
4 A mile and a kick south-west of Bainbridge itself are " the shining levels " of Semer Water and above them the flat-topped hill of Addlebrough , where the Devil and a giant are said to have thrown stones at one another .
5 Constance was thrilled at her first sight of the red terracotta tiles of Italy , glowing in the morning air as above them the pale blue sky deepened .
6 Greenall is a centre-half and between them the experienced pair have clocked up more than 700 League appearances .
7 He 's as short-sighted as a bat with its eyes shut , but with his goggles on he is a lousy attacker and without them a serious threat to our defence !
8 Indeed , most of their problems spring from the fact that for them the two functions are deeply connected .
9 A Mercedes and a Zim , bumper to bumper , blocking both lanes of the carriageway and behind them the menacing silhouette of a T-77 tank , its barrel aimed directly at the oncoming van .
10 The side windows had curtains which could be drawn in sunny weather and above them the opening lights had radiused outer corners and yellow ‘ Cathedral ’ glass ( i.e. crinkled glass ) .
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