Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] over his " in BNC.

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1 Looking in the mirror that was perched precariously on the windowsill , he combed back the hair that hung over his eyes .
2 Turning from the window , she gazed on the face of her husband , a kind face and not unattractive , with its straight features and good skin , and the unruly mop of hair that tumbled over his forehead ; he stirred in her arms , whimpering like a child , and pressing himself against her .
3 When Luke called her heart seemed to expand at the look of admiration that slipped over his face as his gaze took in her simple cream suit in thick , crunchy lace , the severe black camisole she wore beneath it , but he merely murmured , ‘ Punctual as always .
4 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
5 Rufus stubbed out his second cigarette , put the paper into his briefcase and slung over his shoulders the marvellous black leather coat from Beltrami he had bought in Florence , which would have made him look like a gangster if he had not been so fair and ruddy-faced and with such blue , English eyes .
6 It could have been that he was overcome with shyness , for he gazed at her almost with awe and stumbled over his words .
7 She had a bald , stark way of speaking , never looking Gabriel in the eye but staring over his shoulder with a slight frown creasing her curd-yellow forehead .
8 Bill turns his head and says over his shoulder , ‘ Paul ? ’
9 She tried to keep her tone light , matter-of-fact , but her mother swung round from the sink where she had just begun to prepare vegetables for lunch , and her father lowered his paper and peered over his glasses at her .
10 He ate a peanut and went over his own words , having a perfect verbal memory , which was an aid in his profession .
11 He swung open the door and said over his shoulder , ‘ I do n't know what you think you 're doing , Martin , distracting the coroner 's officer in the execution of his duty .
12 They stayed close together at the edge of the clearing , Michael and the thin man with arrows ready notched , Hugh with his left hand on his sword hilt ; the Friar 's sack was now tried with a rope to his belt and slung over his shoulder .
13 He lowered his voice and glanced over his shoulder .
14 A thistledown floated into the bright phallus of the sunbeam and hovered over his face .
15 The role of his papers , he told me , was to shake people in key positions out of their ‘ colonialist attitudes ’ : too many of those in responsible positions had ‘ jumped into the shoes of the departing expatriate and taken over his whole approach to the job ‘ .
16 In mid-scream , he was choked into silence by a hand that came over his face , forcing his jaw shut .
17 After a day or two of confinement in a darkened room he returned to the hospital and took over his ward again .
18 Now Diego was a man in years , and his strength had passed from him , so that he could not take vengeance , and he retired to his home to dwell there in solitude and lament over his dishonour .
19 Delarivière Manley records somewhat maliciously a ‘ comical Combat ’ between the Egertons , in which Sarah throws a pie at her husband 's face , and dumps butter and drink over his head while he grapples with her topknot .
20 As Marx himself argued , the sphere of social life outside employment is indeed where the individual labourer has the best chance of achieving some degree of identity , autonomy and control over his or her life .
21 She had embraced Simon , patting his face and exclaiming over his bruised eye , and had then flown to Isabel , taking her in her arms and weeping over her enough , so her husband had said , to raise the level of the lake .
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