Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Churchill 's ‘ Mulberrys ’ , the artificial harbours to be used for the invasion , were constructed on the Gareloch , and capital ships by the dozen , aircraft carriers , cruisers , battleships and destroyers — all lay off the coasts of the west or sailed into the Clyde .
2 I can then learn by its tic-tic that the robin is at my feet , judge by smell that I have trodden on thyme or bumped into a rosemary bush , and tell by touch that the leaf in my hand is comfrey and not common dock .
3 To carry out nursing procedures designed to enhance physical and psychological comfort , e.g. lifting or moving into a comfortable positions orientating the patient or answering questions .
4 It felt rather like passing through a magic door in a James Bond movie or slipping into a speak-easy because the Cross Keys was a gringo hang-out par excellence , complete with long , oak-look bar and well-used dartboard .
5 Nothing must clash with a commercial break or run into the news .
6 On balance , studies have found no indication of harmful physical effects ; no evidence that television introduces a harmful amount of aggression , violence or fear into an already normal child or that it turns an undisturbed child into a disturbed one or a non-delinquent child into a delinquent .
7 Some were part of my social life as well , even if this was simply lunching together in the staff canteen or dropping into the pub for a drink on the way home .
8 Many interesting works of English Literature of the past remain unedited and unavailable , and it is a pity that the ingenuity and assiduity that goes into the labour , or play , of interpretation could not be directed to the truly useful work of editing these texts .
9 She gathered her masks and stepped towards the hollowing , fighting against the gale that blew into the quieter realm of the marsh .
10 Like all animals we come from one cell that develops into an embryo which forms the adult .
11 He stood up , his deep blue glance moving over her in a slow appraisal that burned into the very pores of her skin , and she realised , in those few heart-stopping moments , what a mistake it had been to confront him .
12 On the other hand , though , it has to be said that some of the local urban excitements have been on the tame side recently : a swimming pool murder , an outbreak of cholesterol war between rival pizza outlets , the car that drove into the non-drive-in dry cleaners , and so on .
13 He continued to stand there , watching as she made her way across the conservatory , then through the high arched doorway that led into the sitting-room .
14 The scholarship that looks into the mind , imagination , and behaviour of slaves is valuable .
15 His lordship was standing at the archway that led into the ballroom .
16 And through the archway that opened into the saloon , he saw a flicker of light .
17 There is a fortune on offer for the side that go into the European Cup 's mini-league , the build-up has been intense and not many of the players will have taken part in a bigger or more crucial event .
18 And it 's an anaerobic condition that gets into the nervous system and causes nerve paralysis in such a way that you get acute muscular contractions .
19 However , while searching the many rooms for signs of the species Homo Sapiens , Daisy caught herself on a mystic spinning wheel and fell into a sleep so deep it would surely last for a hundred years ( zzzzzzzz ! — Ed ) .
20 Much the same would have been thought of Jessica as she would have been seen as someone who walked away from an evil religion and stepped into the right path .
21 It would be great to bounce back from a temporary aberration and get into the Third Division .
22 In the day the pineal creates and stores a chemical called serotonin , and during the night this is converted into melatonin and released into the bloodstream .
23 When the chip is incorporated into a smart card and inserted into a mock up cash machine , the user only has to speak into a microphone to be recognized and given the cash .
24 He got down from the jeep and walked into the villa , his shirt crumpled , and his footsteps weary .
25 a self-evaluation followed by visits by advisers to see if staff are performing up to their own perception and to look into the objectives of the school .
26 If the ring had not captured and ruined Gollum 's mind , he would never have been overcome by desire of it and hence he would not have snatched the Ring and fallen into the Cracks of Doom , the only place the Ring can be destroyed .
27 Now those companies that have built their own operating system ( and around 60% or more do in the real-time area ) can retain their investment and buy into the new operating system as the company reckons it can emulate any existing operating system .
28 She bought six first-class stamps , took a pound coin from her purse and went into the automatic photo booth .
29 In ‘ thin-soiled ’ Attica ( Thuc. i.2 ) the olive was unusually important : its deep roots could penetrate the subsoil and get into the rocks , enabling the tree to thrive where other plants could not .
30 This — which several British critics have seen as a post-AIDS film — is postmodernist in its mixture of genres : it starts out as a straightforward melodrama and shifts into a horror or ‘ stalk and slash ’ genre .
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