Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For example : C for card or cracker , S for saviour or stocking and so on .
2 To get out of bed , for instance , the patient is turned onto his side or lifted and then brought into the sitting position on the side of the bed .
3 Below is a drawing of the African porcupine , a larger rodent that collects and extensively chews bone .
4 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
5 But Minnie I ought to have suspected there was more to this kindness than appeared and so there is .
6 By using public transport , cycling and walking and so on , we are actually wasting far less of the world 's oil and all the other resources used to make cars .
7 ‘ I could hear all the banging and screaming and then about seven or eight minutes later they dragged him out .
8 The League had little alternative but to disband and thus allow its members to continue their campaign within the Labour Party as individuals .
9 It is a very pretty stitch when finished and definitely one of those to reserve for when one has plenty of time to spare .
10 The patient , however , rather than succumbing to a nosocomial infection , may have an infectious condition when admitted and probably will be anxious about infecting others .
11 So we saw this fellow go up to the window and look and then he went and got a stone from the kerb and ‘ bang ’ on the window .
12 So there 'll be a change round of the the staging and seating and so on .
13 The empirical approach is concerned with what is and what can be seen and touched , proceeding on the basis of testing and retesting and largely rejecting dogma and abstract or coherent grand designs for change .
14 The easiest task for Emma was learning to come to the table for lunch when called and once she had started to receive stickers for this she became aware of how to earn them .
15 Carl Howard says he took it up at school and won … went on to county level and won and just found he had a natural talent … he 's always enjoyed sprinting and athletics
16 Now you are stronger , wiser and finer in every way — more concerned with doing than dreaming and no longer a people-pleaser .
17 The tram is one example of a form of transport that flourished and then faded .
18 I said I would be good and thanked him , and then quite unexpectedly he bent down and kissed my cheek and turned and abruptly left .
19 How far can the actors depart from their parts with improvization and adlibbing and yet remain within the accepted , culturally defined , conventions ?
20 On another occasion he bravely went on to the roof to assess the wind damage to his television aerial but slipped and just managed to save himself by clinging to the guttering — not however , before dislodging a slate which bulleted downward and sliced its way effortlessly into the bonnet of his neighbour 's brand new car to form a kind of dorsal fin .
21 Interest therefore centres on the notion that left and right cerebral hemispheres differ in the processes which they characteristically employ or in some other aspect of information processing .
22 The luff of the flying jib had begun to back and fill and so I let the ship 's head fall away .
23 She walked behind the bar , got herself a drink and went and fucking sat and watched us !
24 Abnormalities of electrical control activity have been associated with dysmotility of the gastric antrum , paroxysmally with nausea and vomiting and persistently with chronic intractable vomiting .
25 The Fowlers then appealed to the High Court but lost and earlier this week the council approved a further plan involving the farmhouse as well as the farm .
26 At 10am yesterday , the man returned to the garage , took the woman back to her flat and raped and sexually assaulted her again .
27 And I 'm quite sure that what Mr Major will then say if , if er demand and borrowing and so on does take off again , er is that this is because the real economy has improved , but of course it wo n't be true , er and we shall have to pay the price again er at the end of the , of the honeymoon period .
28 These variations reflect the fact that siblings themselves age and die and therefore become less of a source of support as people grow older .
29 There seems no readiness in our government to listen and learn for argument , no capacity for trust and no ability to face the facts which include the vital issues morale and motivation , ways of running things which you simply ca n't put down to cost accountants , but which is absolutely essential to do with solidarity and caring and so on to make things actually work , and as for economics , whenever econor economy from the Germans , upwards or downwards so to speak , is in trouble the future is clearly frightening is n't it ?
30 She herself thinks , of biblical texts , that if one can not accept the ‘ religious , political , and personal ethos ’ of a text ‘ one can not accept its authority as revealed and as Holy Scripture ’ .
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