Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] for some " in BNC.

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1 A further 35% of the students either failed at the final examination , failed at some stage of the course or withdrew for some reason .
2 This compact volume offers great flexibility and whether used as the basis for a year 's study or recommended for some last minute cramming , the student will derive benefit from it .
3 Fabia got into the vehicle and wondered for some moments about his employer .
4 He moved along the hedge , feeling the breeze from the south and looking for some spot where he could sit and scent it without too much risk .
5 More significantly still , these straight roads sometimes do not run to the nearest village but continue for some miles through open country , reaching the villages by means of side-roads .
6 I had known that this was pending but when , over the last few weeks , I had enquired when they were going to start out , the reply was always the same , ‘ Oh , I think we 'll wait a bit and hope for some warmer weather . ’
7 By establishing a paradigm for psychological investigation that lasted for some forty years , behaviourists seriously delayed the understanding of human cognition .
8 Educated , like Lilian Lawson , at Donaldson 's School and the Mary Hare Grammar School , Irene qualified as a teacher and taught for some years at the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle-upon-Tyne before joining the staff of the BDA in 1981 .
9 This effort to unite what can not be united lies at the heart of the haiku and accounts for some of its tense , sad loveliness .
10 These were , in descending order of status , the bushi ( warriors ) or samurai , who were the ruling class ; the peasantry , which owed its second ranking to its fundamental role in the national economy and accounted for some 80 per cent of the population ; the artisans ; and the merchants and traders .
11 We wandered over Clare Bridge , which always looks as if it is about to collapse , and then up to St John 's , where we stood on the old Wren bridge and talked for some time , gazing at the so-called Bridge of Sighs which connects the old and new parts of St John 's .
12 First appearing as tiny black spots on the upper surfaces of leaves , this is the outward sign that the fungus has already been inside the tissue and working for some time .
13 Mandeville walked to the door and called for some of Bowyer 's soldiers .
14 Instead , he is expected to surrender one-third of the Championship and opt for some easy money .
15 Above all , they will need your loving understanding and support for some time to come .
16 The Prosecution would point to the 1991 Currie Cup Final and ask for some evidence of the power of South Africa .
17 Though generally they are only out by one grade , that can be make or break for some .
18 On Whitsunday 1658 a stranger called at his house and begged for some small beer .
19 And he removed his hat and discussed for some minutes the shortcomings of his wife Rita who had been in the land-army when they met .
20 Filters : Brush off loose debris , immerse in very hot alkali degreaser solution and leave for some hours .
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