Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] she through " in BNC.

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1 She sat opposite him as he leaned back in his seat and observed her through gold-rimmed spectacles , and she still felt uneasy with this man .
2 She nearly brought the house down when I scrounged another biscuit and put her through her repertoire of tricks .
3 He leaned back in his chair and surveyed her through narrowed eyes .
4 LAURA DAVIES breezed through her jet-lag yesterday in the same spirit that saw her through her liver and bowel transplant .
5 She was particularly fun in the choppier water when we could steer her accurately onto the face of the wave of our choice and drive her through the trough at full tilt .
6 ‘ I thought we 'd go for a drive and put her through her paces , ’ he suggested .
7 Laughing , he plucked a laspistol from his belt and shot her through one of her blind eyes , boiling her brain .
8 The party was over and the house was in darkness when he pulled up in the courtyard and accompanied her through the front door into the hall .
9 But when the frail widow let the man into her home to shelter , he knocked her to the floor and put her through a savage attack .
10 I took Montaine by the hand and led her through the empty rooms … there were very many .
11 Helping with her physiotherapy and supporting her through what was very painful treatment .
12 Reluctantly she stepped on to a moving walkway that carried her through a mishmash of exotic atmospheres .
13 The row about Catholicism got her out of the house and carried her through two euphoric days , during which she thought about the Trinity , existed on lollipops and stared at the Celebration of the Mass from the back of Westminster Cathedral .
14 Maggie was shown into a very expensive flat that overlooked the river and she had one of her rare glimpses of the owner as he stood with his back to a roaring fire and regarded her through eyes that were just as sharp as they had ever been in his youth .
15 Melissa took her by the arm and piloted her through the booking hall .
16 He smiled again , fleetingly , and her pulse gave another blip as he took her arm and led her through the entrance .
17 Ross said , taking hold of her arm and leading her through the wide arched entrance of the building , towards a bank of lifts .
18 He took Laura by the arm and guided her through the revolving doors .
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