Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 The Privy Council in Chan Man-sin advised that the owner of a credit at the bank or of a right to draw on an account " has , clearly , the right as owner to draw by means of a properly completed negotiable instrument or order to pay and it is … beyond argument that one who draws , presents and negotiates a cheque on a particular bank account is assuming the rights of the owner …
2 Trade magazine Estates Times will not print the details of deals unless the property 's address , size , rent or price involved and size of any premium paid are included .
3 College or university follow and can last from 4–6 years .
4 And as he climbed into the car and started the chilled engine , he had to make a very strong effort indeed to close the door on the compartment of his mind where Marjorie belonged and open wide the door to careful logical thinking about the project and this newest complication .
5 There was a small balcony at each stairhead , on which there was a small wheel and rod to open and close the upper saloon windows .
6 By reducing the need to handle a complicated system , time is released from the already tight schedules for pupils to develop skills through a process whereby creative association and opportunities to learn and think are highly valued .
7 During the 24-month experiment the crew produced 80% of its own food , the other 20% coming from seed stock and crops grown and stored in the biosphere before its closure .
8 A powerful cleaning ingredient and inhibitor cleans and protects the injectors .
9 Then later , as his speed and timing improve and after gaining a certain amount of success over his own ranks , he can go a step higher and spar with a student with more experience than himself .
10 What you 're really finding out is the truth-telling status of the person you re getting the information from , so that Quiss half listened to all this as he watched , suspiciously , the same cableway of cutlery and cups squeak and rattle its way overhead , you can find out two things … no , wait a minute , come to think of It you 're finding … hmm .
11 Patients stayed in the department until symptoms settled and heart rate had fallen below 110 beats per minute .
12 What the patients need is to have emotional fear and pain acknowledged and expressed through words , tears or in whatever other way they find helpful .
13 Then the fear and pain disappeared and a strange , sweet feeling took its place .
14 Music , talk and laughter swirled and eddied , while perfume , cigar smoke and the aroma of roasting coffee mingled with a warm salt breeze from the lagoon .
15 That pattern changes gradually as medical practice and fashions change and as public demand changes .
16 It was a bright day with thin sunshine burnishing up from the snow and men blinked and rubbed their eyes as they crossed the open space between the two compounds , tramping over the road running down to the village and the railway line that stretched far the other way to Pot'ma .
17 He was accused of the crime of murder and manslaughter which is reputed odious and atrocious , severely punishable with loss of life and confiscation of the movable property of the committer thereof , that he did upon a day in the previous September unknown with force and violence cast and throw one CHRISTIAN McMILLAN the wife of DONALD McKENZIE in Ellister over a rock at Ellister shore , where they had gone to collect shellfish , into the deep sea where she was immediately drowned and died .
18 The military visitors saw a prisoner in top boots , oilskin and sou'wester angling and pulling out a dripping clog .
19 The pastimes of the " plebs " included rude sports such as wrestling , cudgelling , football , quoits , bear and badger baiting and cock fighting .
20 So Mandy went through her nightly ritual and Elaine snored and George was happy , his finger poised over the TV button on the remote control .
21 There was blood and people dying and Victor solid as a signpost at a crossroad , picking off those who had a gun , eliminating threats .
22 The waste consists of rock and earth overburden and sand , which must be tipped , and micaceous residue ( sludge ) made of coarse particle clay , mica , quartz and tourmaline .
23 The company apologised for the distress and embarrassment caused and had agreed to pay the princess appropriate damages and all her legal costs .
24 I sat in the back of the car while Richard drove and Flora talked ; the car established rhythms ; the landscape flowed past ; I looked out of the window and felt my thoughts flow too , relaxed and liberated .
25 Polly cried , grabbing the wheel as Seawitch bucked and heaved beneath them .
26 The Department of Education and Science , the Local Education Authority , potential employers and a whole host of other organisations bring pressure to bear to influence the direction that schools take and all these pressure groups demand speedy and effective responses .
27 Now , ’ he waved a fork at me , ‘ if the guy was spending more money than Bonanza expected and Bonanza did n't seem to mind what 's the obvious thing ? ’
28 It –vas such an odd and witty little toy that Melanie giggled and stretched out her hand for it , to work it herself .
29 And , even more importantly , the Formalists differ radically from the Anglo-Americans on the way in which they relate poetic ambiguity to ordinary language , and it is through this differential function , and not by means of mere conformity and intensification that poetry heightens and enriches ordinary communication .
30 Sturdy as the white blancmange that Léonie hated and thought she had left behind in England .
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