Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 JOHN Curant 's visits to the racecourse lately have been as a ladies clothing salesman operating from a mobile stand .
2 The main historical tension here has been between the institution ( typically the university ) and the professional body .
3 Their last work together had been with a dead child .
4 It hit sectors and people who largely escaped before , the skilled , the clerical workers , the managers and the professionals who 've been badly mauled this time , and where last time around er the service sector was expanding to mop up some of those who 'd lost their jobs in manufacturing , this time the service sector too has been in deep trouble .
5 The plan of the ‘ villa ’ thus exhibits unusual features , the main focus apparently having been on bathing and eating .
6 The focus here has been on Conventionality and Contrast , two pragmatic principles that together govern the lexicon .
7 The focus of most research into residence abroad has been upon the improvement of linguistic skills whereas this project is to investigate the contribution residence makers to students ' perceptions of the way of life in another country .
8 Hitherto , our provision here has been at best haphazard , and at worst deplorable .
9 Race horse trainer … easy life … you 've got to be joking … steeplechasing is all of life always has been to David Nicholson … he was born and bred … turned out and trained on the gallops at Prestbury …
10 Alone of the 15 union republics , the Russian Federation previously had been without its own Communist Party , its party organizations being an integral part of the CPSU .
11 As a youngest son his own prospects had been poor — his sojourn abroad had been in the company of his rich younger cousin Francis Whithead , to whom he may initially have acted as tutor — but on the death of his only surviving brother Anthony in 1754 he unexpectedly succeeded to the family estates .
12 No , I have n't that information , tha that that detail was asked for , but I do know that er that certainly in a majority of cases because they are local erm the attendance from tenants was certainly substantial and I would of , but certainly far more than you would expected if the panel perhaps had been inside a .
13 There is no reason for the School not to have been in operation very soon after Sir Edmond 's death .
14 There 's no doubt that the street-wisdom of the English forwards has been of huge value to them .
15 The house alone had been like a dream come true after the two-bedroomed flat on the outskirts of Stirling where she and her mother had lived in near penury for the past seven years since Shiona 's father 's death .
16 Although Joffre , who seems at this time not to have been in touch with military reality , even now expected his left wing to advance and halt the invasion .
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