Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] it did " in BNC.

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1 Her gown looked expensive , Ruth thought , but it would have suited her mistress better than it did its owner .
2 This would not arise if the universal conception were to be theoretically dominant in a social psychology which resembled a universal anthropology more than it did a historical social science .
3 Playing the Tory game does not work in securing power , and would n't do us any good in the long term even if it did .
4 ‘ It took an awful lot of my powers as Chairman of Academic Review and Resources Committee to steer that course through because it did mean a lot of resource implications that were n't obvious at the beginning .
5 The sound of the forge echoes around the village now as it did in the 19th century .
6 Mother used some washing soda to try and get the stain out but it did n't work .
7 No-one wants to have a glare lamp in their face at closing time nor to have a doorman shouting ‘ Drink up ’ in the middle of an act even if it did get a laugh .
8 If it chooses to interfere , it can formulate its decision in the words : ‘ The court below had no jurisdiction to decide this point wrongly as it did . ’
9 When I read in my newspaper that Spurn Head could well tumble into the sea at any moment , given a sufficiently powerful gale , I felt I must visit the place quickly before it did so , before great waves breached its narrowness and destroyed it — yet again .
10 This line of reasoning appeared to excite more criticism abroad than it did in France .
11 last night actually and it did n't exactly help , well , it 's a long trip up here , longer than I expected and I did n't
12 I thought of all the extra equipment his money would buy for Masquerade , and that 's how I tried to justify my acceptance of the senator 's proposal , but in reality it was because Crowninshield had invited me to play Galahad and I never could resist the lure of the dragon 's breath even if it did mean charging into idiocy like a fool .
13 The green belt policy commands even wider support today than it did in the 1950s .
14 In the true spirit of liberal compromise , the eps league combines both these measures , leaving LLoyds Abbey Life the winner even though it did not top either individual table .
15 The Progressive Conservative Party ( PCP ) federal Prime Minister , Brian Mulroney , eventually overcame this obstacle by using an arcane constitutional device to create a PCP majority in the upper chamber ; however , the Liberals used procedural and judicial processes to delay the tax legislation so that it did not receive its royal assent until Dec. 17 .
16 ‘ Your wife 's father , ’ said Thorfinn , ‘ always had a high opinion of your good sense even if it did n't save him , in the end , from the rest of your family .
17 The soldier walked ahead of me , holding his sword in his left hand so that it did n't clatter against the stairs .
18 After all , one feels , Mrs Washington was surely a thrifty housewife ; had the invention of margarine occurred a century sooner than it did , no doubt she would have taken advantage of the development .
19 Even so , it seems that the species survived in the Tigris-Euphrates basin longer than it did in the vast area between there and the Punjab .
20 Fran jerked her arm away but it did little to loosen the crushing grip of his powerful fingers .
21 She was too old for a doll 's house now so it did n't matter , but she hoped he would finish what he was doing for Oliver .
22 The word dyslexia became a familiar label even though it did not in itself provide miraculous remedies for learning difficulties .
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