Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [prep] [art] night " in BNC.

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1 I put this down to having lots of plants for the fry to hide in , and my practice of leaving a very dim light on during the night which is controlled by a dimmer switch .
2 Er and then you 'd er say , right now you 're on your own now , er and , and if you 'd got the baby sleeping right through the night it was so much easier for her .
3 So what they did eventually , they put sort of call boxes occasionally , in different parts of the borough so during the night you could ring up the station .
4 Yeah there was five women and dad was away and I was out at the fishing just for the night .
5 The custodian , a member of Jack Barclay 's staff , had taken the car away for the night and it was gleaming spotless in the sunlight .
6 Two men challenged Chris as he walked his girlfriend home after a night out .
7 All the same , once we 've eaten we 'll head downriver again for the night . ’
8 The storm had swept all the sand away during the night .
9 As they belted over the top of the wheel , the wind plucked his laughter away into the night .
10 The alarm came at about three in the morning , a barn-owl 's screech out of the night from Meurig on top of the ridge to Iorwerth waking and on guard at the camp .
11 Kragan fitted in , a motor-bike boy out for the night .
12 Were you sitting by your window earlier in the night , say between eleven and twelve ? ’
13 Utterly determined on success , he adopted a dandyish nonchalance and seemed to run the College from his armchair in the Senior Common Room when in fact he frequently undertook paper work late into the night .
14 The basic idea was to take one bat away for a night and starve it while the others were all fed .
15 The surgeon has been and gone , he reckons death probably took place early in the night ; the coroner has been informed , and the scenes-of-crime chaps are on the job … ’
16 Because they 've always said it 's exactly the same as a day worker and yes you have either the shift off before the night shift off before you go on the course or the one after .
17 Finally , worn out by her own thoughts and the strain of the last few hours , she drew up at a small country hotel and took a room there for the night .
18 During the hours she slept Allen had extracted little by little from Tom All Alone the story of what had taken place there during the night .
19 The second half opened with Hemel threatening a stunning transformation as they outscored their opponents 9-2 to go one point ahead on the night and seven down overall .
20 More specifically , he puts the young reader in touch with the French impressionists in his rich illustrations for Charlotte Zolotow 's Mr Rabbit and the lovely present ( although , strangely , he says that his main influence here was the American naturalistic painter , Winslow Homer ) , and with the pop art of cinema and food packaging in In the night kitchen .
21 ‘ One of them places where they have rooms for drivers to kip down for the night .
22 Candles and oil-lamps gleamed weakly in distant windows and a torch shone briefly down by the ancient Cross as a link-boy led a gentleman home after a night 's revelry , by the shortest and hopefully , safest route .
23 I was dropping DFs and Mogadon all the time and drinking , just drinking me head off of a night and I was n't sleeping .
24 ‘ You 'll have plenty of time to get your appetite back after the night , ’ said his wife .
25 The cafés of the Zuid hum late into the night as the young and fashionable regard each other 's clothes and sip De Koninck , the chestnut-coloured local ale .
26 To this end he had selected two Embassy secretaries as helpers , with brains to equal beauty , who matched him drink for drink late into the night , then killed their hangovers in work .
27 And Ruth had packed her satchel quietly in the night , gone out and gone to him .
28 The question occupied the hearts and minds of hundreds at the conference , was tossed around in a rather lack-lustre debate , and sparked flames of pub argument long into the night .
29 A minute later , she ran downstairs to the kitchen , put a coat over her thin dress , tied her hair under her hat , and followed her father out into the night .
30 Mrs Brown says she passed urine twice during the night , possibly at 4.30 or 5.30 .
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