Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] for an " in BNC.

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1 There were many fans who drifted in and out of the groups without making any sequential progress at all and the groups to the left of the terrace always provided for an escape from the soccer ‘ rat race ’ .
2 The search consequently began for an alternative solution .
3 The Shetland Islands , the most northerly part of the United Kingdom at sixty degrees north , lie well south the true Arctic , but still far enough north that in midsummer the sun only sets for an hour or two .
4 The Council also called for an emergency Arab League meeting to discuss the killings .
5 Television cameras , radio microphones and hundreds of fascinated spectators brought to remote Utah the sort of attention usually reserved for an important visiting head of state in Washington or New York .
6 With planning consent now received for an improved access for the physically handicapped and an extension to provide a parish office and toilet for the disabled , tenders will shortly be invited for the building works .
7 Unix International has canned its press agents Miller Communications and hired New York-based Kahn Communications Group instead primping for an ‘ image makeover , ’ Kahn 's stock-in-trade .
8 She followed into my office and arranged herself neatly in a straight-backed chair , notebook open and sharp pencil ready poised for an attack on the clean white pages .
9 The burglar 's haul just waiting for an owner .
10 Rumour has it this Achtung Baby thang actually lasts for an hour — the assembly is being treated to a full 36 minutes of footage. this either means that a lot of it is rubbish or it 's so blinking brilliant They could n't show the lot lest our brains exploded with pleasure .
11 Coleman & Co. successfully applied for an adjournment of his examination to enable evidence to be filed in support of his summons .
12 The summit also called for an end to the deadlock in Iran-Iraq peace talks , which it blamed on the " persistently negative stance and intransigence " of Iran .
13 The Ramsay Street choir was a sensation , so much so that the crowd instantly bayed for an encore .
14 All the structural realities of the situation there made for an impasse .
15 THE Vendor is seized of the property hereinafter described for an estate in fee simple in possession free from encumbrances save as hereinafter mentioned and has agreed with the Purchaser for the sale to him of the said property for a like estate at the price of five thousand pounds
16 Louis Blom-Cooper , QC in the Listener , Bernard Levin in the Observer , Leo Abse , MP in the Spectator all called for an immediate inquiry , while Julian Symons in the Sunday Times , C. H. Rolph in the Times Literary Supplement , Mervyn Jones in the New Statesman all declared categorically that Meehan was innocent and should be granted a free pardon under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy .
17 It is a good idea not to eat for an hour or two beforehand , or you may end up with some serious indigestion .
18 The interim standard also allows for an initial step towards data compression which , in the future , will be extended to permit full multimedia capabilities .
19 The British Press habitually looks for an opportunity eventually to knock down the heroes they have created and placed on pedestals , if only to do something new .
20 It is evident in the vitality of the arts — hardly a city in the country now lacks for an international festival — and it contributed last year to the remarkable election of Mary Robinson , only in her mid-40s and impatient with old ways , to the ( largely honorary ) post of president .
21 The agreement also provided for an airport committee under the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group , with a Hong Kong-based Bank of China official on the board , and a consultative committee with no decision-making powers .
22 He paused again , this time clearly waiting for an answer .
23 The design also allows for an additional deep aluminium box fascia to be fitted , if required , which completely conceals the gutter .
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