Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [noun] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Though of no great architectural value the Tron is a beloved Edinburgh landmark where people gather on Hogmanay to usher in the New Year .
2 The Peace Now movement claimed on June 17 to have documentary evidence of Israeli plans for greatly increased settlement in the occupied territories .
3 We would make our way past The Three Crowns Inn where people sat on forms by wooden tables to enjoy a summer 's evening drink .
4 But the alliance with Athens must have been renewed before the beginning of the Peloponnesian War when Thessalians fought on the Athenian side again ( Thuc. ii.22 ) .
5 The cursor is the point where text appears on the screen .
6 The solution came to her one evening when Nahum commented on her excessive pallor .
7 One of Europe 's most important wetlands , it is home to rare species such as the imperial eagle and the lynx , and provides a vital staging post where birds rest on their migrations to and from Africa .
8 A favourite quote was from County Securities : ‘ We got to the stage in our institutional room where headhunters came on the phone so often we put them over the loudhailer because it was such a huge joke . ’
9 It was n't an April Fool 's Day joke when engineers working on WCUK 's VAT building in Liverpool announced to colleagues that they could walk on water !
10 She knew from the frequent worried glances the other woman sent in her direction that Candy had seen through the act , but she 'd managed with some effort to avoid her , always finding some pretext to disappear in the opposite direction whenever Candy appeared on the horizon .
11 Gareth Southgate fired in Palace 's opener from 25 yards in the 19th minute then Salako scored on the hour .
12 Police sources said the news was delayed to prevent a repeat of what they described as a media circus when police swooped on the home of a 12-year-old boy on Tuesday .
13 ‘ We were busy smartening things up one night when BA knocked on the door .
14 Truthfully , I had n't believed in Heavenly Father since my fourth Christmas Eve night , the night when Auntie trod on my brick-truck as she tried to sneak in with my present — a smart Apollo Candy with stabilisers , hand-painted maroon — Pa being out with the Recovery .
15 But afterwards , as things got , there was erm a look out post built on the flat roof of one of the buildings at the factory and then er there used to be , when the sirens went , there 'd be look outs in this er observation post on top of the factory .
16 The extent of Hygeberht 's authority perhaps sheds light on Offa 's principal area of interest .
17 In the area of child care policy , juvenile crime is the prime example where figures based on actual offences overlook both the discretion applied by law enforcement agencies and the effects of detection efficiency .
18 With the word ‘ meanwhile ’ in the first line we progress to the central stanza where Marvell concentrates on the mind and its ‘ happiness ’ .
19 Under the sepia of the sky only starlight shone on the frost around her .
20 Assad and Mubarak conferred in Damascus on July 17-18 , and the Syrian government daily Al-Thawrah stated on July 18 that their meeting formed the basis of a " joint Arab action " on the conference .
21 In the centre there Priam sits on an altar , a huge tripod behind , and reaches in supplication to Neoptolemos who strikes at him with the corpse of his grandson not saved by Andromache 's effort .
22 In a society where power depended on military prowess , Ella was no mean figure , imposing on the Midlands from a Sussex base .
23 South Africa is one of the few countries in the world where people drive on the left , so that most motorcars have a right-hand drive .
24 Furthermore , it appears that electronic exchanges have wider bid-ask spreads , which might be a reflection of inadequate liquidity due to the lack of locals ( although there seems to be no inherent reason why individuals trading on their own account could not use an electronic system so long as it enables the scalping and other arbitrage trading practices typically carried out by locals ) .
25 A Servitor with a tracked , snail-like body and padded hands that secreted fragrant antiseptic polish was buffing the floor of the rib-vaulted passageway where electrocandles flickered on sconces in front of scrimshaw-framed ikons ; and Lexandro must halt , so as not to incommode the two Marines .
26 A surprising number of accidents and incidents happen because pilots are in some way not 100% fit on the day in question .
27 Among star performers was the Savoy Hotel where shares soared on the back of speculation that sometime predator Forte group was back .
28 It was the following Christmas Eve when Archie banged on my front door , fit to waken the dead , and introduced himself .
29 Visitors can walk right round the island to see such highlights as the Wick — a cliff which is home to thousands of seabirds and where puffins walk around people 's feet — and the Garland Stone where seals lie on rocks at low tide .
30 Once the notion of trust had become divorced from that of dependence on a testamentary heir ( which seems very soon to have happened ) , the way was open to set up trusts charged on beneficiaries under the will other than the heir , or even on persons who benefited where there was no will at all .
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