Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [is] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Law-enforcement officials say the fear now is that the terrorists that blew up Pan Am 103 somehow learned about what the DEA was doing , infiltrated the undercover operation and substituted the bomb for the heroin in one of the DEA shipments .
2 The o one thing that w we have to have in mind though is that the this particular criminal that we are does n't want to get caught .
3 The indication here is that the caged finch has been placed close to the owl in order to provoke it into prolonged alarm calling that will attract others of its kind .
4 The question always is whether the defamation is of the class itself ( in which case no action arises ) or whether ordinary readers would believe that it reflected directly on the individual plaintiff .
5 ‘ The benefit now is that a child can institute proceedings without having to wait for somebody else to do it , ' said Mr Kidd .
6 The test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
7 Following the case of Sofi v Prudential and the 1989 I O B Report the test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
8 So the invariable requirement now is that a market member trading on the market floor or its equivalent ( eg an automated trading system ) is required by market rules either to be a clearing member or to have a clearing agreement with a clearing member .
9 The question now is whether the deputy Speaker , Michael Morrison , rules the amendment in order since the substance of the debate has already been dealt with .
10 The issue here is whether the statistics on female crime provide an accurate picture of the actual extent of such crime .
11 The issue here is whether the arts can be subsumed under the ‘ humanities ’ or whether they require their own heading , as being different in kind from other human phenomena .
12 The issue here is that the debtor has no control over the use to which the credit is put .
13 The question here is whether a trust is established by the words cited .
14 Earl Loreburn ( read by Lord Parker ) at p378 stated : The only question here is whether the interest and dividends before us are profits or gains of this Company 's trade , manufacture , adventure , or concern in the nature of a trade , within the meaning of the 1st Case .
15 The proposal here is that the right to gain an attachment of earnings should now be limited to maintainance payments only .
16 The question then is whether a State party to the first treaty can prevent another treaty party from entering into a later treaty from which it is excluded , but which would conflict with the first treaty .
17 The question instead is whether the Fed 's remedies will work .
18 The real test ahead is whether the policy review can generate a coherent body of distinctive ideas that afford electors positive incentives to vote Labour .
19 The question therefore is whether the interim government is the Government of the Republic of Somalia .
20 And the danger presumably is that the surpluses we were having our discussion and debate about earlier on , those surpluses that and I do understand why you feel the pensioners should benefit from their surplus , but it the reality is that the employers and possibly the pensioners are currently arguing amongst themselves for the benefit of those surpluses , but in fact one of the significant contributors is often the deferred pensioners
21 Erm the main difference between a non-executive director and a director basically is that the directors are added to by the shareholders and are re-elected at the annual general meetings .
22 Examples of product orientation are to be found in education , the arts and journalism , where the inference often is that the supplier knows best what the customer needs .
23 The Melrose stand-off , who suffered a double fracture of the right forearm in the Calcutta Cup defeat , was first advised that the injury might take almost three months to heal , but medical opinion now is that the time could be trimmed to between six and eight weeks .
24 The original deal was for the same time and same sum , but the difference now is that the new contract covers rugby only for the age bracket between 16 and 18 .
25 ‘ But the difference now is that the profits go back into the game and the WRU are to be congratulated on their decisions to tap in to the funds that are available . ’
26 The difference now is that the same factory supplies production to both sales forces and , in theory , our factories ( Runcorn and Elderslie ) have two chances to win the order instead of only one as in the past .
27 The crucial point now is that the evidence of one 's senses is not just what we appeal to in justification and verification .
28 The main danger now is that the gain in competitiveness will be eroded by inflation partly triggered by the rise in import costs .
29 The main danger now is that the gain in competitiveness will be eroded by inflation partly triggered by the rise in import costs .
30 The essential difference here is that an arbitration award is subject to appeal to or review by the High Court .
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