Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] that the " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the facts , however , his Lordship found the greatest difficulty in seeing that the claim was made out in law .
2 Six million of these families were estimated to earning less than £100 per annum — a very low figure indeed considering that the nation 's provision for a family of five in 1935 was 29s 3d ( £1 46p ) from the Unemployment Assistance Board and 36s ( £ 1 80p ) in 1936 — giving an annual income of between £74 and £90 per annum .
3 Trade and industry minister Edward Leigh recently wrote to The Northern Echo firmly denying that the Government was responsible for any delay .
4 However , the gene is still expressed at a low level further emphasizing that the region between -190bp and -55bp is important for basal expression .
5 This chance can be reduced by arranging the line of the ropes to avoid sharp flakes and vice-like cracks , ensuring the anchor slings are long enough to prevent jamming against the rock , and finally by the first person down testing that the ropes are running freely through the anchors before the others abseil .
6 They returned a short while later stating that the sniper was dead .
7 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
8 I made some mistakes — for example not realising that the maintenance would be quite hard work .
9 Had I been an IRA man , I could have pulled out my little Luger and shot him dead — a thought so unnerving that the next day I wrote to his private secretary to suggest improved security .
10 The terms of Clause ( F ) of the Knock for Knock Agreement will be applicable equally to situations relating to the Partial Indemnity Clause thus ensuring that the absence of a claim or notice of accident by a policyholder will not be a reason for seeking to avoid the Clause .
11 But at 11.20 pm — just as Highlights from Augusta offer relief from a man repeatedly declaring that the second election result may be coming at any minute — Scotland is being indulged with different fare .
12 It could occur , however , that the visiting salesman gets the customer to complete an application or proposal form ( i.e. an offer to buy ) and that the salesman takes the form away saying that the customer will be hearing .
13 Pressure from Bruce Millan , EC regional commissioner , has resulted in the Treasury reluctantly accepting that the funds provided by Brussels are additional to government spending rather than part of it and should be steered to specific projects rather than forming part of the spending pool .
14 I also have a personal interest in seeing that the development goes ahead in a way that will only enhance the town . ’
15 However , the thin cut of the marble shift here contrasts with the slightly thicker gauge of the shroud ; is the sculptor thus implying that the shift is of linen and the shroud of flannel ?
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