Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [subord] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 By studying science through its pathology rather than through some preconceived criterion , it is easier to see the process as it is . ’
2 B8 ) as depending upon the universal tendency towards adjustment of form and process ; to direct investigation towards the essentially multivariate character of geomorphic phenomena ; to admit a more liberal view of morphological changes with time to include the possibility of non-significant or non-progressive changes of certain aspects of landscape form through time ; to foster a dynamic approach to geomorphology to complement the historical one ; to focus upon the whole landscape assemblage rather than upon those parts assumed to have evolutionary significance ; to encourage geomorphic investigations in those areas where evidence for erosional history may be deficient ; and to direct attention to the heterogeneity of spatial organization .
3 In June 1981 the CPRS reported back that there was indeed a commercial case for electrification but that the programme should be endorsed route by route rather than in some all-embracing fashion .
4 He was the former Republican leader in the House of Representatives , and had been chosen as Vice-President for his reputation for honesty rather than for any outstanding political qualities .
5 However , other workers who studied the effect of gliclazide in diabetic subjects have felt that the beneficial effects of gliclazide on platelet function were likely to be due to its hypoglycaemic action rather than to any direct effect on haemostatic function ( Paton et al , 1982 b ) .
6 He was unable to tell Mr Gannon 's family how long the infection had been present but he believed the infection had spread through Mr Gannon 's blood rather than through any internal rupture .
7 It was New Year 's Eve and the midnight sky was still bright : Punta Arenas is at 53°S , and although on a similar longitude to Halifax has been shunted , by Professor Dowd 's descendants , into the same time zone as New York — all of which means that it stays light for a great deal longer than in most cities , and we celebrated the coming of the New Year in almost broad daylight .
8 Dr Glasser holds that alcoholism is a very real , concrete , disease rather than a disease of the human spirit or of the abstract senses but his understanding of alcoholism , based upon his practical experience as a general clinical psychiatrist , with no specific interest in the subject of alcoholism more than in any other , again fits closely with the expressed understanding in " Alcoholics Anonymous " and the experience of treatment centres using the Minnesota Method .
9 Ironically , it may very well be that the potency of socialist realism is to be located precisely in this global strategy of revelation and disclosure rather than in any attempt to arrive at narrow prescriptive theories .
10 Before beginning to use a computer , many people imagine that it will be very difficult , and panic rather because of this .
11 The lack of industrial investment was attributed to a potentially low rate of return rather than to any lack of institutional financing .
12 Where contact with the organized public is necessary or unavoidable , steps are taken to retain the organizational initiative in the hands of the governmental authorities as far as possible , and to associate with people of like attitude rather than with those who are considered to be ‘ uncooperative ’ , ‘ militant ’ , ‘ extremist ’ for example .
13 The spiny anteater , too , has a long pointed snout , but its spines give it a superficial resemblance to a hedgehog rather than to another typical anteater .
14 The contact becomes an act only if in some way or another it can be provided with a social meaning .
15 He shut his eyes — the better to concentrate upon the cramped flexing of his muscles ; upon that monotonous , peristaltic thrust upwards as of some gross mutant baby ascending a vertical birth canal in defiance both of gravity and of sane obstetrics .
16 They are forces which are spreading wealth faster than at any time in human history and in one 's political approach I think you either are an enthusiast anxious to embrace the forces that are at work or you are a sceptic , perhaps inclined to resist them , hoping that you can frustrate them .
17 The study found that the subsequent increase in tax revenue during the period to 1985/6 could be explained mostly by factors such as employment growth , growth of earnings and growth of self-employment rather than by any ‘ incentive ’ effects .
18 In Ghia form it 's a well trimmed and equipped car , but more than this there 's a dynamic cohesion to it : somewhere along the line someone got the handling , ride and steering working in harmony rather than against each other .
19 We might even go so far as to say that amplification of deviance among one group rather than among another could simply be due to chance .
20 But the Army is making war not because of any fanatical nationalism , nor , as it is frequently accused of doing , out of ideological fanaticism .
21 The economic development of England between the mid fourteenth and the early sixteenth century was determined by changes in the country 's population more than by any other single factor .
22 At Turrialba in Costa Rica , the mineralization of nitrogen is higher in secondary forest there than in most forests so far measured elsewhere .
23 We are maintaining a significant presence in Northern Ireland : there will still be a higher percentage of volunteers per head of population there than in all but two of the other TAVRA areas .
24 More to put her at her ease again than for any other reason I picked up The Times and showed it to her .
25 That Fido eats from the bowl of meat rather than from that containing eggplant is ‘ grounds for saying that the dog prefers his normal food ’ ( 85 ) .
26 Although it is doubtless significant that the two texts on the Soviet Union written by Nizan , " Le Tombeau de Timour " and " Sindobod Tocikiston " , are centred on man 's struggle for socialist construction against the forces of nature in Central Asia , far removed from the political intrigue of Moscow , their significance is to be located in a heightened awareness of metaphysical despair rather than in any fundamental disenchantment with the social and political advances of the Soviet experiment itself .
27 In the course of time , the goldsmiths began to issue receipts for gold payable to the bearer rather than to any named person .
28 The figures you gave us at the beginning I I seem to remember that you sell a lot more water abroad than in this country .
29 The education and training White Paper confirmed plans announced on March 21 to bring further education and sixth-form colleges under central government control rather than under that of local education authorities .
30 Indeed it illustrates its ‘ worst case , scenario with the observation that the ‘ major changes ’ in farming would ‘ benefit water quality little if at all in the short to medium term ’ .
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