Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb pp] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 When he changed from an acoustic to an electric guitar so overloaded that it made the windows of the little studios rattle , you could still sometimes hear his feet rapping on the boards and the irregular chord sequences and the trademark himmahimmahimm drifting through the air .
2 [ In 1931 Andrew Mellon was accused by Congressman Louis McFadden of cheating on his 1931 income tax return and in March 1934 the Roosevelt administration duly announced that it would seek criminal tax evasion charges for $1.3 million .
3 Such cases will often have been treated as acute cystitis for a day or two , and may present to the casualty department or emergency room with a bladder so swollen that it mimics a twenty week pregnancy .
4 The previous chapter provisionally accepted that it is beneficial for society as a whole that companies should attempt , within the general law , to make the highest possible profits .
5 London Underground correctly realised that it would be better for it to make its proposals as a separate Bill , which it has done , and the Bill has now passed through the House .
6 The opposition immediately announced that it would challenge the Speaker 's ruling in the High Court .
7 There is substantial evidence in the literature already cited that it has been the critical area of failure in Britain .
8 At the unveiling of Sun Microsystems Inc 's Solaris implementation of Unix for Intel Corp processors , Dell Computer Corp finally confirmed that it will offer Solaris on its 80486 machines , and on its Pentium machines when they arrive .
9 The American Stock Exchange duly announced that it was delisting Wang Laboratories Inc 's Class B and C common stocks but trading in the company 's debentures will continue .
10 Similarly , regarding incest , the Committee merely stated that it proposed no alteration in the definition of sexual intercourse for the purpose of this offence .
11 The judge however found that it was published , and it is this ruling that Unix Labs is contesting .
12 The judge however found that it was published , the ruling USL is contesting .
13 Miss Hannah Hauxwell , dressed in men 's trousers and old jacket so torn that it looked as though savaging by wolf packs had once been part of her daily routine , looked at me mildly .
14 By section 12(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1938 , a mark will be refused registration if it is deceptive ; that is , if it is identical to or so similar to another mark already registered that it is likely to lead to confusion .
15 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
16 When the case came to court , the magistrate evidently decided that it was impossible to say which party was to blame in a scuffle of this sort .
17 But London Ambulance Service categorically denied that it had plans to cut off phone lines , saying that it had only authorised one disconnection at Park Royal Ambulance Station , West London , because crews had locked themselves in .
18 They were outlined clearly against the blinds , locked in an embrace so abandoned that it was obvious neither suffered from the hang-ups she and Alan did .
19 He rose slowly to his feet , every movement so controlled that it appeared menacing .
20 Whether it was the disappointment showing on my face I shall never know , for my guide quickly added that it was a Celtic path and , perhaps , more than 4,000 years old .
21 Then when Dixons admitted that Mr Kalms had perhaps overstated his case when talking about the ‘ 86 bid , Kingfisher smugly declared that it was ‘ pleased to note ’ Dixons ' clarification .
22 Callaghan later stated that it ‘ popped out ’ at the end of 1977 and then became firmer following a television broadcast .
23 The Alliance wanted television yet feared that it would be damaging to them , as Alliance MPs are allowed such a small share of parliamentary time .
24 This is a life so transformed that it stands in utter contrast to the life which comes naturally to us as human beings .
25 Factors such as the parasitic reliance on the stage and the book , the lack of attention given to screenwriting , the lack of flexibility in studio-based production and , at Stoll , a studio floor so constructed that it accommodated the noise and bustle of five films at the same time , had a deadening effect on anyone who came into the industry with new ideas or fresh visions .
26 ( The Japanese government nevertheless announced that it would resume a major aid programme to China which had been frozen in 1989 , arguing that it was not in the interest of the world to try to isolate China . )
27 If is often said that as people get older they care less what other people think , but it has never been so true as in the last 25 years , when women who were brought up to propitiate the more powerful sex gradually realised that it was no longer necessary — or , at least , not always necessary — to do so .
28 In February 1989 six non-OPEC ( NOPEC ) countries agreed to limit exports with a view to helping stabilize oil markets ( see p. 36478 ) , while in early March the Soviet Union also indicated that it would reduce exports by 5 per cent in the first half of 1989 .
29 Adding salt to the wound , HP also announced that it would have OpenView release 3.1 out by the third quarter increasing the pressure on other DME participants to get their stuff out the door .
30 While the government later indicated that it had merely given drafting assistance , it is abundantly clear that its influence on the Bill was much more than one would normally associate with drafting assistance .
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