Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It certainly is a good story but it is hard to believe that a designer as experienced as Tupolev would casually use such information without first carefully checking it out , particularly if one considers the history of the Russian aircraft industry which over the years has sprung many surprises upon the West and will doubtless do so again in the future .
2 As a journalist who over the years had written-up dozens of Honours ' lists for the papers , I knew how the names came in a day early with an embargo .
3 ‘ Charles 's problem has been that he married a 19-year-old inexperienced girl who over the years has become a world figure , the most famous woman on the planet .
4 This apparently involves sending patients an eyesight test card and then running through the test itself over the telephone .
5 Marine Insurance covering injury or damage you may cause to third parties with one of our yachts , and accidental losses or damage to the yacht itself over the amount of £320 .
6 His urine tests show glycosuria which over the months abates .
7 Crush a sugar lump and add it to the brandy in which the raisins were soaked ; warm the mixture , set it alight and drizzle it over the pudding just before bringing to table .
8 Bourke , who died in 1982 , was a colourful person who over the years gave a number of different versions of how he helped Blake escape , progressively embroidering each one with more fanciful figments of his imagination .
9 Let's go and have a look at the , in case anybody over the road 's after it
10 No action was taken against the newspaper , however , and one journalist , who had taken legal advice himself over the story , steadfastly maintained that he had quoted Nick Clayton 's comments completely accurately .
11 For example , a woman who over the phone sounded to one policeman as ‘ dead on ’ still had a complaint against her noisy dogs investigated because the complainant appeared to another policeman not to be ‘ spinning a yarn ’ ( FN 19/9/87 , p. 29 ) .
12 First the painting community rejected the opportunity to draw a female nude , a subject which over the centuries has inspired the great artists .
13 Wrapped in white toga-like shammas worn over long white shirts and jodhpurs , they set a fashion which over the years was copied by an increasing number of their subjects .
14 Even Ingrid had stage style , a certain energy that made her project something over the footlights .
15 But all our speakers are chosen by the Pre-retirement Council and by your employers by the way who over a period of time have selected the Oh well we do n't want him again or that firm again .
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