Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] could [not/n't] get " in BNC.

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1 The only concession I could not get was leave to see him alone , but it 's plain I should have got nowhere with him even so .
2 I looked at her face , at the shape of the jaw and curve of the forehead ; I looked at the mouth of the mother of the girl whose mouth I could n't get enough of kissing .
3 No wonder I could n't get a bleeding ace .
4 than that dear it 's down the other end , the other side of Old Harlow , but he used to have a surgery there which he , you know , made it better after the erm , to ease up Dr surgery cos that was so packed and the shops were absolutely and you used to have to queue and queue for , to get your shopping , you could n't , I used to cycle into Harlow and leave my cycle somewhere and then go along do my shopping , but it used to be two or three hours ' job it was , you did n't get done till dinner time and then I used to call it a , a lady used to say call there that used to have the fried fish and chip shop on the corner of erm Harlow and I used to go there and have a cup of tea before I came home because I used to be so long shopping you could n't get served you see , it 's too many people , there was nowhere else for them to go , it was only Bishop 's Stortford you had to go
5 We were worried in case you could n't get the band together . ’
6 he jerked her up , up settee she could n't get up
7 Maggie would have left at that point , but as her bed was in the kitchen she could n't get into it until after he 'd left the room .
8 Like last night I could n't get to sleep .
9 Because I could n't er i mean Chris was one minute he was on the phone , the next minute you could n't get hold of him .
10 If you needed a new sanitary towel in the night you could n't get one .
11 They had handcuffs on me and I 've still got marks on my hands — you can see — where the handcuffs were put on so tight that when I got to the station they could n't get them off me .
12 ‘ Some of our customers are OAPs without cars , and with a pretty unreliable bus service they could n't get to Alton easily , ’ Mrs. Read said .
13 There was even the same poker game going on in the back room , a game I could n't get in on but which I could glimpse every time the same barmaid took refills through .
14 In fact , any argument directed against the applicability of the idea of identity to meanings is really self-stultifying , for such an argument would imply , among other things , that no topic could be significantly referred to as " the same " on two separate occasions , with the inevitable consequence that the argument itself could not get off the ground .
15 I decided on the Waterside because it had a phone , beer you could n't get anywhere else in London and a very interesting turnover in young French female chefs .
16 erm in the days when they had terraced houses back to back terraced houses erm well anywhere in the country I guess but but where I come from it was fine for the people who lived with their doors on the on the road but the people who lived at the other side of the block they could n't get from the road so every so often down the down the terrace they had a little alley way an entry I think you 'd probably call it in Scotland , do n't they ?
17 I 'd throw a ball in the bunker and then bet him a Coke he could n't get up and down .
18 And since it was the end of the belt I could n't get i go by anybody with me , I had to move it .
19 ninety eight , I think it was for two dozen , what happen we did n't have much choice you could n't get the two dozen boxes
20 These " no-hopers " were probably given to me because I may well have been overheard to say I did not believe that there was such a person who had gone through a-initio training as a pilot who could not get on step by step until he became an operational pilot .
21 The sort of secretary you could n't get hold of at Harris , Harris and Overdene .
22 Both places had latches and as long as I got ten yards ' start on him , I could slam the door shut and slip my half clothes-peg under the latch — I always carried a half clothes-peg for the purpose — and no matter how much he blasphemed and kicked at the door he could n't get in .
23 Nelson had planned to take her to town , but when they got up to the car park he could n't get his car to start .
24 Despite his tuggings with the wrench he could n't get the screw to shift .
25 In the end I could n't get rid of them , I had two days off when I was ill and I had as holidays to ge to get them sort of settled up you know .
26 Well , go on , do n't stop there , I 'm sure the rest is just as fascinating — presumably that , yes , you knew Ryan , but when you flew over to find out why the hell he could n't get something so simple as planning permission you decided to do something about it yourself , and there was gullible little Hilary , all ready and waiting to fall into your arms .
27 ‘ The one thing he could n't get in Egypt , he said , was intelligent female conversation .
28 After he wrote the book he could not get the job because it was a Hoskynsish sort of book .
29 On Monday to go to school I could not get up !
30 In many parts of the land you could n't get ‘ Royals ’ so this sort of brogue ( black ) was worn as an acceptable alternative .
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