Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb -s] that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's been a lot of research which shows that when two people relax and feel comfortable together , their body language reflects what the other person is doing .
2 In particular , Shultz and Wells ( 1985 ) propose a matching rule which specifies that if the result matches the intention , then the result was intended .
3 To the outsider it appears that when change of any kind is required , the NHS is so structured as to resemble a " mobile " : designed to move with any breath of air , but which in fact never changes its position and gives no clear indication of direction .
4 Jalhousie is an all-inclusive resort which means that when you arrive everything has already been paid for .
5 It 's true that that is a common feature really from the time of for the last five hundred million years , from the time of the earliest fish to ourselves and to the birds and everybody else , but it 's like that not because there is some kind of profound law of form , which says that 's the kind of organism which is in permitted by the laws of development to arise , erm I mean the law form would be something like erm a law of physics which says that if objects move round the sun they 're going to do so in ellipses with the sun at one focus .
6 This is a kind of degradation which indicates that when they were formed the Mercurian surface may have been warm enough for it to be slightly plastic .
7 Today , there is an attitude which says that if you do n't want an active sex life , there must be something wrong with you .
8 His delusions were those of a messenger boy who assumes that because he takes the Chief Architect 's drawings to the print room , he has played a leading role in the design of the building .
9 The housewife who knows that when her electric iron ceases to work she must replace the fuse ( let us say it is a cartridge fuse in a 13-amp plug ) is an empiricist .
10 Similarly , Thatcher provides abundant evidence which shows that while most of the workers made redundant in the industrial sector were men , most of the expansion in the public services was in female employment .
11 Since there is an intelligent system at work in each person it follows that if discomfort or dysfunction is necessary in order to maintain harmony within the system as a whole then the disease will manifest in the least important parts possible thus preserving the higher functions of the person for as long as possible .
12 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
13 It seems to me there is a tenable argument which says that whether the road the relief road is north or south of Knaresborough , is a strategic matter .
14 The Scottish United Service Museum is very useful for those investigation a military subject but that is all and so it limited and those who are interested have to make an advanced appointment which means that when they arrive all books will be ready for them .
15 The popular misconception which holds that unless one is able to sing one is not able to take part in a musical item needs to be dispelled once and for all .
16 There is , however , some American authority which suggests that if this case were being heard in the American courts the answer would be likely to be in favour of granting a declaration in these circumstances : see In re A.C. ( 1990 ) 573 A.2d 1235 , 1240 , 1246–1248 , 1252 .
17 The acquirer should not agree to a clause which states that if by completion it is aware of a breach of warranty and it still elects to proceed to completion it thereby waives any claim for damages .
18 ‘ Being called at an inconvenient time by an insensitive caller who assumes that since you 've answered the phone it must be convenient to talk ’ .
19 In a business or management sense it means that when an individual or a company identifies weaknesses , they hire staff or let contracts to handle those jobs that they can not handle themselves .
20 On the contrary he suggests that because public choice theory narrowly defines bureaucratic behaviour in terms of budget or staff maximization , it fails to grasp more important aspects of bureaucratic rationality — such as the desire to avoid conflict from troublesome staff at lower levels and interference from councillors .
21 In her letter she claims that because CTCs select their students and therefore ‘ turn away children who live in the same street as the school ’ parents have less choice .
22 How different that is from the Labour party 's position — it wants to lead according to the principle which states that where others go must be right .
23 A word processor is a screen-based memory system which means that if you type a letter or a calculation on the visual display unit then press the print-out command , the letter or calculation will be typed exactly as it is on the screen .
24 What will the Germans think when they arrive in Glasgow with players still fresh from a ten-week break in the Bundesliga and a legislative system which means that if any of their players has called off from this game they must not play for their club sides next weekend ? ’
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