Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb -s] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the discretionary sentence there is always a notional equivalent determinate sentence which could be imposed in accord with established sentencing practice but for the current mental state of the defendant which makes him a danger to the public .
2 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
3 In other words , it is the poll tax crossed with a capital value tax — a roof tax crossed with a head tax — a cross-bred monster which gives us the worst of all worlds .
4 They lack the experience and practice which gives them the ability to communicate with the public : they lack common sense .
5 And yet there is no special ideological practice which gives us the idea of it .
6 Now when it asks you for the sample statement , ah done it , right before , it will ask you for the sample statement er over what period would you like to estimate this equation , right instead of pressing the return key which gives you the default , right , if you specify nineteen twenty three to nineteen forty sorry just a a dash between it like that nineteen twenty three space nineteen forty okay it asks you for the number of observations to be used in the structural stability tests , right , erm if you er press the default er if you press the return key then it should give you the maximum number available right five observations in this case right and then it will perform the regression over the entire sample period , those will be the results you obtain , right , it will also er present Chow erm test statistics .
7 For , if he decides that the wooden hut is a building , he is in effect adding an interpretation clause to the statute which gives ‘ building ’ an extended application ; whereas if he decides that the hut is not a building , he adds a clause to the statute which gives it a narrower meaning .
8 we can say generally that whatever is regarded as a truth functions as a norm of thinking , [ and ] imposes upon the conscious agent who recognizes it a distinctive selection and organization of some data of his experience .
9 He , too , is a high-flying Socialist who declaims his no doubt sincerely-held beliefs from atop a mountain of privilege .
10 In today 's programme he gives us an exclusive interview , the first since his heart attack four months ago .
11 cylinders of butter wrapped in butter-muslin which gives them a ‘ cloudy ’ appearance .
12 It insists , however , that that will be done in a constitutional framework which allows everyone an equal chance to endorse any conception of the good and to realize it .
13 They do not uplift or inspire by style or ‘ credo ’ as do , say , C S Lewis , Primo Levi or Bonhoeffer 's LETTERS FROM PRISON , but James and Spark certainly have a richness of language and a liveliness which makes them a good read .
14 The Rules of the Supreme Court make no specific provision for a contemnor being served with a copy of the committal order , but as I have mentioned an instruction has been issued by the Clerk of the Rules with the approval of the President of the Family Division which makes it the duty of the applicant 's solicitor to serve the committal order , but does not require personal service .
15 Actually it 's a bit of a unorganised chaos nobody knows what the heck they 're doing !
16 It is currently 35 degrees Fahrenheit out and the wind is blowing up the canyon at 87 mph hour which gives us a wind chill factor of — just a moment while I look at the chart — says ‘ Should not be skiing ’ which is good because we are n't .
17 Alec Stewart 's charge has a stiffer task here , but is getting 6lbs from the favourite which gives her a sporting chance of stopping Daru 's unbeaten run of four victories .
18 Moreover attempts to relate language classes to other strands systematically have not always been popular , many students preferring a language course which gives them an insight into cultural trends , with texts drawn from recent magazines , broadcasts , etc .
19 Even when a picture is used , it is not complete , it takes the form of an icon which contains what the perceiver considers matters at the time .
20 Identify the strategic issue which gives you the most worry .
21 In Kenya Harris Okong'o Arara continues to serve a five-year sentence imposed in 1988 under a law which makes it a criminal offence simply to possess literature critical of the government .
22 It is never an intellectual exercise which leaves everything the same .
23 The quartet carries an instrumental arsenal which gives it the necessary weight to produce the ominous , bass-heavy sounds that accompany Max Schreck 's marvellously decrepit , zombie-like portrayal of Count Dracula .
24 You will get the lazy child who copies what the next child is doing and these copiers must be helped to think for themselves .
25 I do not regard a judge who makes what an appellate court later regards as a mistake of law as abusing his powers .
26 Vic Brown in John Schlesinger 's A Kind of Loving ( 1962 ) settles for telly-watching inanity within marriage , while Billy Liar in the same director 's 1963 film turns away from the girl who offers him the chance to fulfil his ambitions in London .
27 On its release in Britain , the Daily Worker described it as ‘ the first genuine ‘ mod ’ film of the British cinema' and the Sunday Express declared that ‘ its real jewels are the shining performances of Michael Crawford , as the gauche youth , and Miss Tushingham , as the girl who gives him the knowledge .
28 A packet is guaranteed to get you a taxi driver and other rare commodities — a waiter who discovers that not everything on the menu is off , a booking clerk who finds you a seat .
29 The kitchen salesman who offers you a ridiculously large discount is probably not doing you any favours .
30 We ca n't put all the bells and whistles , and all the , the checks and all the consultations and design reviews onto a job which gives us a fee income of er two thousand pounds .
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