Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [was/were] tell [that] " in BNC.

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1 When I queried the decision I was told that it had been taken at the very highest level , as a result of information not available to me . ’
2 At this point we were told that the WO often found it difficult to get a clear indication of what was going on until it was too late to intervene without revocation being necessary .
3 ‘ When we asked to see test results so we could recommend the products with some confidence we were told that the data was confidential , between Colin Isaacs and Loblaws . ’
4 But as the Portadown man was about to leave the jail he was told that his mother had died and ordered back to his cell .
5 At about the second hour of day I was told that Kenamun would be leading the investigation .
6 One day they were told that a police officer wished to see them in connection with the charges already preferred .
7 In the course of the argument I was told that the debtor will now seek to have the bills taxed .
8 She waited all day for the Kurd to return , but he failed to do so ; and when she made enquiries the next morning she was told that he had left the town within minutes of conducting her to the priest 's house .
9 Besides , every week we were told that because of its enormous cost the war could not last another month . ’
10 Before this game we were told that this was the poorest Irish team in memory , that Irish rugby was in the doldrums and that the swashbuckling French were about to turn on the after-burners and skyrocket into the stratosphere .
11 On enquiry they were told that the other had been lent to a local restaurant when it suffered a power cut .
12 In any case they were told that the count was waiting and the waiter indicated the man who stood in the shadows at the other side of the foyer .
13 Yet , by 1986 , in the Green Paper Paying for Local Government we were told that ‘ The Government is concerned , however , that GREs have been subject to frequent changes ’ ( Department of the Environment , 1986b ) .
14 Well it 's just that it 's the Chief Constable 's case that when er er sorry when was got from his bed he was told that he was being arrested for harbouring and escapee Lawrence .
15 In due course he was told that a short three hour trip was in the offing so he collected his parachute and went with the crew to the aircraft .
16 On a recent visit to the Midland Bank in Southampton to ask about opening a current account I was told that I needed some form of indentification .
17 After a routine check just after his first birthday we were told that Cameron is quite normal .
18 Before I ever had healing I was told that I might feel tingling or warmth , but alas , I can not truthfully say that I ever felt either , although of course , with hands laid on you , or just above you , there must be the sensation of touch .
19 When I started my enquiries into our family history I was told that Mary Kell was two years older than George Webster and that she had previously been engaged to his elder brother who had died before they could marry .
20 In a subsequent phone conversation I was told that your response had been favourable , provided BWB were not involved in any expenses being incurred .
21 On one of her first visits to Hamilton Terrace in Bobby 's company she was told that ‘ the Roberts ’ were coming to tea .
22 In my biology lessons at school we were told that humans are the only mammals available for sex the whole time .
23 When the House of Lords reconsidered Lord Rawdon 's bill in March the next year they were told that , if they would assent to it , in a short time all debtors ' prisons would become the residence of swindlers only .
24 In a telephone conversation yesterday with Linton of the Broxburn office I was told that the work being carried out by volunteers from ‘ Spokes ’ was to cease forthwith .
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