Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] say [be] " in BNC.

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1 Erm the fourth advantage I would say is that it focuses on the balance between the need to promote rural enterprise and the need to protect the countryside .
2 Your speed they would say was in excess of 600 miles per hour , 611 to be precise !
3 And then when we went for a drink he used to say are you not buying me a drink ?
4 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
5 I mean the narrowest part of the river I would say is er where Hall Bridge is , that 's the narrowest part .
6 ‘ One thing I would say is that we get inundated with rent-a-quote demands .
7 The other thing I would say is keep a reserve behind your front line .
8 The only thing I would say is never pay for anything in advance , particularly construction .
9 The other thing I would say is that the corporation were not at liberty to disregard their undertaking .
10 The only thing I would say is , is that we 're looking to er start in the next quarter various plans for maintenance routines one of which will be o , actually on furniture .
11 The only other thing I would say is erm
12 The other thing I would say is this that the management , whilst they very rarely agree with what Eric has got to say I 've never met a member of management at any level , at any level that does n't respect what he 's got to say and that 's a tremendous , er psychological blow before they even get round the table , because he 's completely disarming and his record in terms as vic er for , of victories , for individual members and groups of mem er , members , er , is legendary and I think apart from his ability it 's the respect in which he 's held by , by everybody , by everybody .
13 The only other thing I would say is that we have in the report used the words , freedom to run and since writing the report we have been advised that er that is capa not capable or satisfactorily with legal terms and I would suggest that instead of the words , freedom to run we use the words , access management and permissive rights of way , to cover these .
14 The only other thing I would say is that you 've got domiciliary health there on the bottom of page forty-three for the first time , a thing that we certainly asked for on your behalf .
15 The only thing I can say is that at least my mistakes are genuine .
16 The only thing I can say is for them to lay down their arms and stop it right now .
17 The other thing I 'd say is that the budget settlement that we 've got introduces a further hundred thousand of investment in new technology , and this is part of our push to making us more efficient in the way we manage our budgets and all the rest of it .
18 Well multiplication equation for this number line I would say is er I 've already told you that .
19 The only thing you can say is that DB gave us good service and for this we should be grateful .
20 The only thing we would say is that we must have a clear vision of our formal and stylistic intentions before we begin .
21 The first thing we can say is definitely the strength of the pound .
22 But if one is dealing with anything other than empirical knowledge of this kind — if , in short , one does not personally know in the sense just explained — the only honest thing one can say is that one does not know .
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