Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] [be] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Then some National Savings , possibly some income bonds , and then onto the growth side which would be bonds , unit trusts , shares , P E Ps etcetera .
2 You may feel that as you make your notes immediately following the interview there will be points which you may like to clarify , particularly in a panel interview where different people may have formed different impressions .
3 I 'd rather see one or two GOOD games from major companies and on the other side there should be games sent in from readers ( they must also be of a high quality though ! ) .
4 For the rest , a great deal of what you have to do in the detective novel will be much what the writer of the blueprint story had to do , though in each department there will be modifications .
5 Had they not all agreed when they left Ecalpemos and went their separate ways that it.was to be as if they had never met , known each other , lived together , that in future they must be strangers and more than strangers ?
6 But here and there were outcrops of green which would be places to rest and hunt .
7 At both ends of the age range there would be variations in progress , so a total of ten levels would be needed .
8 The thought of it filled her with an immense regret because a child could not stay a child there would be men ( a man she hoped ) in Nicandra 's life , Aunt Tossie thought with pity and some disgust — her mind scampered hurriedly from the contemplation of a subject not forbidden so much as not existing for her .
9 When such a large area reveals it has very few tall peaks then you can bet your last Mars Bar they 'll be stunners .
10 Even between technical peers as in a design team there can be difficulties in communication because the models which individuals are using are not identical .
11 She reports that within areas of medium deprivation there can be pockets of extreme deprivation .
12 Just as with a heavy period there may be cramps and nausea , so it can happen with this treatment .
13 During this period there will be pressures to woo and be wooed and to gain sexual experience .
14 If animals are used on a more regular basis there may be advantages in breeding the animals .
15 But life with Thomas is n't just a merry-go-round it can be swings and roundabouts .
16 And of course we 'll be friends .
17 Yet , like the Christian cross , the sacral horns were used in a general symbolic way , and it may be that the Labyrinth was , as a whole , dedicated to Poteidan even though individual sanctuaries and shrines within it were dedicated to other deities , in much the same way that within a cathedral there may be chapels dedicated to a variety of Christian saints .
18 Because it 's a loose filling there can be problems with it shifting in a poorly designed bag .
19 They must think , one day they may be parents .
20 And she would say , ‘ How long are you here for this time ? ’ praying it would be weeks instead of days … .
21 Where there is more extensive liver damage there may be ascites , but it is only when there is massive invasion , comparable to acute fascioliasis in sheep , that death occurs .
22 In addition there will be warehouses , an agricultural centre and a hotel nearby .
23 In addition there will be films of railway and tramway interest showing throughout the exhibition , which promises to be a great day for parents and children alike .
24 Father Barnes will know whether it belongs to the church and with luck there may be prints .
25 Under equal funding there will be winners and losers .
26 You might imagine supporting them , talking with them when they needed to talk , trying to help , but you did n't imagine that you would be the one desperate to talk ( or the one too embarrassed to talk , too ashamed or too proud to talk ) ; you did n't imagine you would be the one who needed help , not even when you told friends that of course there might be problems , or agreed with your beloved that you would always talk about things …
27 Of course there may be questions about what the Act means , and of course there is power to hold statutory instruments and other subordinate legislation ultra vires .
28 Of course there will be howls of protest from the synodical activists and the liberal establishment , but the man or woman in the pews who are the real Church of England will thank you for it .
29 Of course there will be calls for that .
30 There was a stony determination there that set him examining his own resolution in a panic , in case there should be weaknesses in it he never suspected .
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