Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 Erm the fourth advantage I would say is that it focuses on the balance between the need to promote rural enterprise and the need to protect the countryside .
2 Of course the description I can give is general .
3 So erm I mean the justification for this kind of course I would claim is ultimately to try and make people more realistic about what is possible and er the , because th th the advantage of knowing what 's possible is you can avoid impossible experiments that ultimately result in disaster for everyone .
4 Another possible condition which can occur is purpura haemorrhagica .
5 If you 've let her get away from us , the only cut you 'll get is with this . ’
6 Possibly the greatest fear one might have is that , because the lesson is relatively unstructured , it could grind to a halt .
7 The rule we shall consider is
8 The only lasting effect it may have is on the careers of some of the people involved .
9 In practice what will happen is that in the middle of the field where the deliberate knock-on is no more than inconvenient a free-kick will be awarded .
10 The type I shall outline is illustrated in Figure 6.11 .
11 So what we 've got to say to the County Council I would suggest is that this is a training course similar to those we always got release for branch officials and shop stewards so why should you turn your nose up at this training course ?
12 A question I would ask is that given the product which you had in June and the fact that presumably you have to take what goes , presumably the fact that they do n't send you the strongest stuff erm are you surprised that the figures were down in view of the quality of what you had , or are you surprised it might not have been worse ?
13 So if unemployment benefit is suspended and erm another circumstance which might arise is somebody expects to receive unemployment benefit and then finds that they 're not entitled to it .
14 He points out that now she is cohabiting the only benefit she will get is the basic dole .
15 The welcome you will receive is just one reason why this is a good time to visit America .
16 So , if you 've got , sort of , three or four stories that you know , that you could deal with , the type of question you might get is , discuss how erm , different writers deal with the subject of change , with reference to probably about three stories .
17 Provided Shell were willing , we probably would go ahead next year , although the question you could ask is , having helped a group of thirty six kids in Sussex this year , should n't Shell , if they were going to run these master classes , help a group of kids in Westmorland next year , rather than another group down in Sussex next year .
18 We are going to tabulate the information so that we can look at the data from a statistical point of view , so every question you can answer is of value .
19 The first question you must decide is where the pedagogical grammar is to be used .
20 The first question you should ask is , ‘ okay , what 's this for ? ’
21 The second influence we shall examine is the British attempt in the latter half of the nineteenth century to reconcile a tension between the romantic-historical and the positivist approaches to society by developing theories of social evolution .
22 The issue we will examine is why delinquency is so attractive to some and unappealing to other youth .
23 The compensation we will pay is the market value of the item up to the maximum Code of Practice Compensation limit applicable at the time of posting .
24 And just one other plan we 'd welcome is the young people in the come in .
25 The question we must answer is : ‘ If I am going to buy a plane , how much will it cost me and how can I get the money ? ’
26 If a criminal is a person labelled as such , an initial question we must ask is ‘ Who does the labelling ? ’
27 As I have already indicated , the critical question we must ask is how we may design selection procedures which encourage sensible teaching and learning .
28 But the question we must ask is why so many British workers are getting a two-week break when other European workers are making do with just three days ' holiday .
29 The question we must ask is why the real story has not been given ?
30 A second question we can ask is whether the visual word-recognition system treats the uppercase , lowercase and handwritten version of a word as different ( which would happen if the system operated at a relatively concrete level ) .
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