Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb base] be to " in BNC.

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1 My biggest fantasy I think was to be a sort of assistant , a nurse , holding Boy 's hand while O worked on him .
2 The other place I 've been to is Thailand , where prostitution is blatantly up-front and hard to avoid .
3 It was the first multi-cultural CPRW meeting I have been to — most refreshing !
4 Er , the Magistrate 's Court I 've been to twice .
5 the only thing I have is to Scarborough .
6 We are determined to make it work — the last thing I want is to be a laughing stock among local farmers if I fail . ’
7 Our roads are in a mess and anything that will speed up improving that situation I think is to be welcomed .
8 You are at the moment , the best thing you get is to be in the top hundred .
9 ‘ I live 20 minutes away from the set , but when you are working 16 hours a day the last thing you need is to be in a foreign country with a small child .
10 If you find that the property you want is to be sold at Auction , remember that a lot of time , effort and fees can be expended prior to an Auction and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in purchasing the property .
11 Er the reason want referring because has n't commenced it 's considered er view and the last thing we want is to be in business actually doing is enclosing on St Albans and anything that St Albans does n't actually want .
12 And then erm I was at home for a while , and then I was living with friends in Birmingham , and in , in between time I 've been to Leeds and London .
13 It 's the first time I 've been to a game of footie in a Porsche , and it will probably be the last , but it was fun , and added to the enjoyment of another thoroughly enjoyable day out Leeds watching .
14 ‘ As this is the first time I 've been to Ca ’ del Leone , the answer must be no . ’
15 Every time I 've been to a wedding and people in cravats are all the same .
16 Every time I have been to the Jobcentre it 's been a waste of time .
17 It is the only castle I have been to which has a front doorbell , which you need to pull on if you want to see round since it is not automatically open to visitors .
18 ‘ But I just want to make sure , and we are really close to it , that the agreement we have is to my liking .
19 That 's the last time we 've been to Suffolk .
20 It 's the first time they 've been to Britain , even though some have been teaching English for twenty years ; they 're staying at the Oxford House School of English , and will also visit the Oxford University Press as the trip has been made possible by an East German publishing house .
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