Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [adv] many " in BNC.

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1 The country stations also enjoyed a great range of styles , but they escaped the process of repeated renewal which overwhelmed so many large city and town stations in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
2 Christine believes the problem is much bigger than anyone believes and cited a recent study which claimed as many as one in three children suffer some kind of sexual abuse .
3 The problem is to strike a balance between , on the one hand , the harsh poverty which still dominated the lives of most working folk , the repulsive physical environment and the moral void which surrounded so many of them , and , on the other , the undoubted general improvement of their conditions and prospects since the 1840s .
4 The intention and the vow itself were no cynical charade , for Edward had already been on crusade and shared the piety and the military enthusiasm which impelled so many to the Holy Land .
5 Whether the attention it received was due to its classic looks or the fast drying coating of mud which reached on to the roof was difficult to judge , though I suspect , it was the butch overcoat which caught so many eyes .
6 But whether it is worthwhile — or even possible — to return to the older project , to which Hall himself made so many pioneering contributions , is a different matter .
7 Burton 's Welsh and hungry and visceral sense that everything had to be grabbed or it would be lost forever would be reinforced at this critical stage in his life by the fatalistically hedonistic mood which infected so many .
8 In the vital years before a child was apprenticed he or she could be captured from the streets , confirmed in God-fearing ways and inoculated against those habits of sloth , debauchery and irreligion which propelled so many of the lower orders to crime , prostitution and heathenism .
9 One day she would do something about it , but at the moment she had so many other things to occupy her attention .
10 Last year , there were protests about a ‘ smash and grab ’ raid by one group who scoffed too many sandwiches .
11 As master-in-charge of rugby , David Ray writes : ‘ In hindsight we took too many players .
12 Although they battled strongly throughout the game they lost too many counts at crucial times .
13 That , however , was only half his story : in the course of his career he held so many ecclesiastical offices as to provoke a constant outcry prebends in Hereford and London , the chancellorship at Exeter , the archdeaconry of Worcester , and in the course of 1294 no fewer than fourteen churches !
14 ‘ That was a reverse of the journey we made so many times to council planning meetings , ’ said Steve Clarke , chairman of the Supporters ' Club and standing for election to the board .
15 I felt guilty — after all , they had trained me — but in the end I saw so many of my friends making the move , I saw them working in better conditions , earning so much more for fewer hours , ’ she grimaced , ‘ in the end I decided I 'd be crazy not to join them . ’
16 But it also contained films by Hitchcock dealing with British stories that avoided the sort of grandiosity which afflicted so many of the pictures pitched at the US market , and had as much wit as The Private Life of Henry VIII .
17 He ( among others ) perceived adolescent labour as an obstacle to efficiency not only because it lacked knowledge of employment opportunities and the ability to distinguish between the merits of different occupations , but also because its inherent ‘ adaptability ’ was ‘ wasted ’ ( always a key notion in National Efficiency circles ) by the ‘ haphazard ’ nature of the transition which left too many youths in dead-end jobs and failed to enrol them in any form of further education .
18 Let us walk with a visitor through the city , a veteran of the Second World War who values it as one which was almost unscathed from the bombing which devastated so many European cities .
19 Second , it is important to thank Sir Michael Angus , Dr Derek Zutshi and many of the Patrons of the Campaign for Resource who attended so many of the events to ensure a good launch for the Campaign .
20 thing we got so many of each yes .
21 They were fumbling cheerfully , when the sudden excitement which brought so many conference-goers from their beds , frustrated further progress .
22 do n't need that many , whereas last year she had so many tomatoes and tomato plants , she did n't know what to do with them
23 Mr Kitson , himself a fellow Yorkshireman and a former member of the county club , added : ‘ I was sad to see the way we lost so many fine young players , not just Neil , to other sides . ’
24 Although Didcot finished on a high , they in the end , had to give the visitors best in this seven-goal thriller , and will be cursing their luck for the way they made so many errors .
25 Somehow he managed to make it fun , the way he made so many things fun , and , now he was either dead or else taken over by some force I could not even begin to understand , there was nothing whatsoever to keep me in the Church .
26 Lot o think a lot of them were made , supplied by the merchant and they were made properly by the erm , you can say sh you can say er er any shoemaker perhaps or they 'd be a factory what made so many pairs like .
27 Through the Second Son I asked as many questions as I thought sensible and it did n't sound like any malaria I had ever heard of .
28 No drug company would ever contemplate issuing a medicine which had so many unproven and untested facets to it .
29 But your mother she 'ad too many bébés .
30 Speelman had to give up his queen to avoid being mated , but by that time he had so many pieces for it that he was still able to draw comfortably .
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