Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [pron] that " in BNC.

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1 That day they encountered an Armenian priest who informed them that the mountain towards which they were heading had never been ascended and , moreover , never would be .
2 However , his attempts to deflect attention away from his private life has rather backfired because on one occasion to distract a rather persistent journalist he assured him that he was ‘ heavily into drugs and loved having sex with Chihuahuas . ’
3 He was only able to shed that bondage through a charismatic experience which reassured him that he was a child of God .
4 But he tempered the apprehensiveness with a shrug-of-the-shoulders-and-oh-what-the-hell attitude which told me that in his view the experience , and not the heroics of the impression he might create , was what mattered , was what he would enjoy , was what he had come for .
5 In Wildfowl Hall who told her that really she ought not to have left her husband
6 She then had a delectable mushroom soup — and for the main course she chose something that was entirely new to her .
7 But of course she told me that when they came there they were there to look after the place so that it was n't taken over , you know by anybody else , but she had a washing machine , the washing machine come in just after .
8 Two reporters in particular , Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward of the Washington Post , had already begun an investigation which convinced them that the operation had been planned by officials much higher up than Liddy ; and even more important , that a deliberate attempt was being made in the White House to cover up the whole matter .
9 Right , the search is on for the person in the team who told me that Larry Adler 's birthday was today , and not February the tenth .
10 He was awakened by a seaman who told him that the ship would not be leaving for seven days , and there would be no place for him to hide as timber was being loaded under German supervision .
11 You made it plain from the moment you met me that you were available , but you miscalculated if you imagined I 'd fallen for your little scheme . ’
12 Midge had known the moment she saw them that something was wrong and she was hurt by Patrick 's announcement that he was going to pack up his things .
13 ‘ From the moment they told me that you were a breech baby I knew I 'd have trouble with you . ’
14 When he 'd started regaining his confidence he told us that he 'd taken over from Terry in the endless arguments with David Jacobsen .
15 When Charman first joined the band he told them that him ambition was to be as big as Marc Riley and The Creepers one day .
16 But I did the whole of Orkney for a while I did everything that could be done .
17 Last night I told her that I did n't want to see her again .
18 We were woken a few minutes before one o'clock in the morning by a phone call from a friend who told us that the insistent thudding we could hear was American artillery fire .
19 Soon she was joined by a peasant woman dressed in black who told her that she was trying to get on to the hospital in Toulon for news of her son .
20 At the barrier at Gatwick , I was met by a friendly policeman who told me that the injuries were not as bad as had at first been thought , and that none of my family was in danger — news which immediately reduced me to tears .
21 ‘ Then there was the day she told him that she had read his books .
22 ‘ I came to find you because you were the only person who told me that Liam would n't be in that house .
23 I interviewed the commander of the Venetian fire service who told me that he had three boats at his dispersal and a fourth at half an hour 's readiness .
24 He had been just too young for the Korean War , and one day he told me that it was one of the experiences he regretted having missed .
25 In a burst of confidence one day he told me that he was working out a new system of numerology , developed from a study of people whose lives have been well documented .
26 I 've already told you he knew the minute he saw us that there was something wrong — ’
27 With an air of great condescension he told me that he was ‘ prepared to give me a try-out ’ for a few hours a week .
28 She was the kind of woman who convinced herself that she liked all the rich smells associated with men .
29 At night , however , or during the long school holidays , she read detective stories , earning the contempt of her father who told her that his answer to the question ‘ Who dun n it ? ’ was invariably ‘ Who cares ? ’
30 Only last week , I spoke to a garage owner who told me that almost every other customer was either losing a job or had just lost one in the past month or so .
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