Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [adv] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well according to the er Express I just had a look at , they reckon it 's on but for about half the original sum .
2 ‘ It probably had a lot to do with his job but he was a fella who always had a word for you , ’ said Mr Lavery .
3 While it was doubtless a noble religion it still had a greater contribution to make to humanity .
4 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
5 DFC and Bars , and his third tour with No 139 Squadron which later had a modified 120 – scanning H2S that acted as hand-maiden to the Light Night Striking Force .
6 This latter was a secular convent which always had a lady of the Habsburg family as abbess .
7 On the west bank of the Beaulieu River lies this famous and attractive village which once had an important dockyard , building naval warships of New Forest oak .
8 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
9 As he needed a fairly high percentage of oxygen he soon had a head box too — a clear perspex box placed over his head to concentrate the oxygen .
10 I told him about my sister who now had no legs .
11 A bizarre by-product has been the recognition of various richly decorated fragments of the church in places as far afield as Barcelona , Venice , Aquileia , and even Vienna , presumably carried off to the West as loot after 1204 , by members of the Fourth Crusade who evidently had an eye for exotic sculpture .
12 To the majority who never had the chance to meet him properly , I should like to tell you that he was a merry young man who tempered his quick intelligence with humour , and would , in time , have made worthwhile contributions both to medicine and to the Circle … ’
13 ‘ What eventually swayed me was the fact that Hibs were a big club with a greater potential support , although at that point I probably had a better squad of players in Paisley .
14 The eruption which probably had the most far reaching effect on civilization was that of Santorin ( Thera ) in the Aegean , in about 1470 B.C. This abruptly extinguished the highly-developed Minoan culture centred on Crete , and , because the eruption caused the submergence beneath the sea of a large part of the island of Santorin , it may have given rise to the age-old legends of Atlantis , the ‘ lost ’ or ‘ drowned ’ continent .
15 The Department was reorganised into five geographical districts , each managed by an assistant director who also had a responsibility for particular service areas .
16 Phil Andrews and I became very friendly with the owner , a very talented engineer who then had an engineering works in Cardiff .
17 In an emotional outburst , Homa Shahidi , 50 , told a Westminster news conference she now had no life worth living .
18 He looked at the helmsman who already had a pair of binoculars to his eyes .
19 That left Smith free to deliver the coup de grace to Glyn Charles , the only other helmsman who still had a chance of beating him .
20 At the moment they only had the word of Nicola 's husband for what had happened .
21 Surrounded by his flock he nonetheless had an eye on Omi and Erika and , although he made no apparent attempt to meet them , Erika and Omi found themselves facing him .
22 PP : You had every right to retire if you wanted to , but of course we also had the right to try and persuade you not to .
23 I 'd taken a lot , but at the end of the day I only had a set of photographs that everybody else had — a load of people on a march .
24 I 'd taken a lot , but at the end of the day I only had a set of photographs that everybody else had — a load of people on a march .
25 When he was tried by a University Court which still had the theoretical right to condemn its students to death , he was ‘ allowed ’ to escape to America where he became one of the United States ' greatest surgeons .
26 But even under this camouflage of contemporary tat you still had the strongest impression that her limbs were as lovely as her face .
27 Now , , if we consider ordinary life assurance , somebody first said to me that er , maybe the best erm , sales manager , or sales promoter or publicist or , or whatever , was the person who actually had the idea of calling death insurance , life insurance , yes ?
28 Last week I even had a letter from Yugoslavia asking for a donation towards Disabled Esperantists !
29 It was another violent shift in a life and a career which never had an even , an easy or predictable pattern .
30 Her father 's eldest sister , the aunt who now had the villa near Ravello where Sophia hoped to spend a few days after the visit to Rome , was in some ways very much like an older version of Penelope .
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