Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well according to the er Express I just had a look at , they reckon it 's on but for about half the original sum .
2 ‘ Of course I still have a wife , but there 's no need for you to worry your pretty little head about it .
3 The concept of the spectacle is an effective term which now has a wide currency , but perhaps only in a sense which approximates its use by the Situationists .
4 One is the Merseyside force which already has a link from the PNC to its £2 million command and control computer .
5 There are other aspects of the division of labour within industry which also have a spatial form .
6 The bacterial cell itself normally has no use for these machines , and does n't build any .
7 In fact the Laws have encouraged the rebirth of the hooker who now has a genuine hooking duel .
8 ‘ It probably had a lot to do with his job but he was a fella who always had a word for you , ’ said Mr Lavery .
9 Funnily enough it 's not the people like me who usually do get the boot in academic life , it 's the people with real talent who generally have a hard time . ’
10 When fly fishing you only have the fly tied on the line .
11 After much experiment we still have no satisfactory resolution of our local government problem .
12 So in the future we also have a lot to give to the rest of the world rather than just to look for help .
13 Yet in practice we now have a constitutional monarchy where the Queen acts on the advice of her Prime Minister .
14 While it was doubtless a noble religion it still had a greater contribution to make to humanity .
15 While , as has been suggested ( 21 ) , formal training courses may not reduce the tendency for young people to leave the industry it nonetheless has the potential to create a workforce more receptive to new ideas .
16 The increasing incidence of separation and divorce makes this a growing difficulty — and a difficulty which sadly has no solution .
17 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
18 DFC and Bars , and his third tour with No 139 Squadron which later had a modified 120 – scanning H2S that acted as hand-maiden to the Light Night Striking Force .
19 This latter was a secular convent which always had a lady of the Habsburg family as abbess .
20 His words constitute a fervent expression of faith in a new creed , a new political and social system , a new kind of literature which together have a rejuvenating and energising capacity that stands in marked contrast to the corruption and dissolution of a decaying , moribund capitalist society .
21 Both classical and contemporary plays will be chosen , but problems are often encountered with the modern play which frequently has a short cast list .
22 On the west bank of the Beaulieu River lies this famous and attractive village which once had an important dockyard , building naval warships of New Forest oak .
23 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
24 In fact this is a catalogue for the specialist who already has a knowledge of the subject , rather than someone approaching the art for the first time .
25 And he said that he thinks every DSA she always has a day off on her birthday , this man did .
26 Coming in from the South we now have a welcome from the RAF .
27 Although the members of the Tribunal may be reappointed by the Prime Minister for a further five-year period , under the Act they thus have no security of tenure , long recognized as the hallmark of judicial independence .
28 As he needed a fairly high percentage of oxygen he soon had a head box too — a clear perspex box placed over his head to concentrate the oxygen .
29 As he leads them about , he may well meet another male who also has an attendant troop of young .
30 I told him about my sister who now had no legs .
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