Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] had give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , that was the card he had given to old Jackdaw to post but he really did n't want all this aggravation , he was happy the way he was .
2 In view of the weight he had given to the idea of an aristocratic plot , Edward found his flat reaction to the name of Hamilton quite puzzling .
3 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
4 The prominence he had given to instruction in science had evidently made matters worse .
5 Balliol also agreed to repay Edward for the help he had given in preparing the expedition by handing over to him land worth £2,000 a year to be selected from those parts of Scotland adjacent to England : in effect , the southern counties of Scotland were to be permanently ceded to England .
6 The SCDC Arts in Schools Project , although spoken of by the one LEA in the sample which was a participant in terms of gratitude for the support the Project 's staff had given , was criticized by staff in the other LEAs for the limited help it had given to them .
7 June Bascombe having given her report as Society Chairman thanked Kay Evans for the invaluable support she had given to the Society for so many years and presented her with a book token .
8 When an army investigator went to interview Ronald Haeberle , the army photographer who had been with Charlie Company , Haeberle produced some horrific colour slides of the killings and said that he had included some of them in an illustrated talk about the war he had given to various clubs , teachers ' associations and youth groups .
9 On that third morning , though , it had been Haynes who led out the home team , since Richards was in the press box breathing fire at Daily Express journalist James Lawton who had asked him for an explanation of the V-sign he had given to his own crowd .
10 It was a little different from the age I had given to my employers !
11 The next morning I had to give in my notice at the bank — first to the manager at Fontanellato and then , in person , to my boss in Parma .
12 It also allows you to start a newness within your mind which was hitherto filled with the pain of loss and the pain of the control you had given to another to live your life .
13 A copy of a paper he had given to the British Association on ‘ The car of the future ’ led to his being summoned to Detroit , and to a commission to design and build it .
14 They accused him of altering the figures on receipts for money they had given for the release of prisoners , handing over a smaller sum to creditors and pocketing the difference ; charging prisoners for candles ; taking £5 out of the Poor Box to free a prisoner ; lending them money on their plate and watches which belonged to their creditors .
15 The couple wanted to thank friends and relatives for the ‘ tremendous support they had given during a pretty rough time ’ .
16 I remember Chung telling me of the performance she had given with Tennstedt some years ago , a special experience for her , and this subsequent occasion resulted in a collaboration comparably searching and intense .
17 He lived alone , and anonymously , in a one-room fiat on a soon to be condemned estate close to the Elephant and Castle , an address he had given to nobody , not even his employer .
18 IN his last letter to Ashcroft Noble , Edward tried to express his thanks to the dying man for the new direction he had given to his life :
19 He poured into the telephone a long and unintelligible narrative about Profumo 's villainy in relation to the unhappy answer he had given to Wigg about the army .
20 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
21 So with our legs and bottoms already aching from the lack of space and the hard seats , we read about the party someone had given in Christ Church , or how well so-and-so was doing at the Ministry of Information , or what little Nicolette had said to her grandmother .
22 The fifth matter of complaint , which goes partly to the intention of the appellants and to the difficulty they found themselves in before the judge was that their solicitor never explained these matters to the judge , that is to say the technical nature of the breach , the details of the two charges that had been made , and the advice that their solicitor himself had given to the appellants when they came to consult him .
23 C. T. threw himself into Christian activity with the same discipline and dedication he had given to cricket , and determined to join another well-known Cambridge athlete , Stanley Smith the oarsman , in the then little-known China Inland Mission led by J. Hudson Taylor [ q.v . ] .
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