Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] are [v-ing] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 So I mean there are other advantages , and the answer is that in in in the long term you are getting your name down for one , so clear a space on your desk
2 However , it seems we share a common purpose — to point out to our rebellious relatives the grief they are causing their families .
3 We also urge our sisters to help us reopen our educational institutions so that we may rescue our future generations from the disasters of ignorance and illiteracy which are threatening our children .
4 ‘ Bore da , Hari , there 's a good girl you are finishing my boots for me and you with your mam so recently passed away .
5 erm I mean , it 's interesting , that 's not the only person that 's said that to me erm one of the youngsters actually said that to me last night erm sort of complaining again along the same sort of lines , and I said ‘ well hang on a minute , you know there are people actually at this moment who are putting their lives on the line and
6 Human life has achieved such a high density of population , however , and has such domination , that the structure of our environment is in danger of breaking down under the relentless punishment we are giving our habitat .
7 Over at the engang they are starting their fires into life .
8 And if the vast preponderant mass of occult lore is finally seen as empty and meaningless , so is the book , in which case we are wasting our time .
9 ‘ In full awareness of our responsibility , we reject the policies of the present leadership which are diverting our country from the socialist path and leading it into catastrophe . ’
10 In addition , there are undercurrents of ‘ nastiness ’ about Docklands development which are doing its image no good at all .
11 Teign Machine Knitters welcome visitors to the area who are missing their knitting to join them for an evening .
12 John said : ‘ By reducing our holding in this block we are spreading our risk and freeing up funds for development elsewhere .
13 You point your eyes in the direction they are pointing their Nikons , only to be baffled by what , if anything , they are photographing .
14 By framing questions for each paragraph you are giving your reasons a place in the argument , and specifying a job for each paragraph to do .
15 For this reason we are asking our readers to tell us about their experiences in the jobs race .
16 ‘ A decision was taken to strengthen the social side of the society and this year we are continuing our policy of a mix of social and academic events .
17 Groups in our society such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and the Green party are to be congratulated for the energetic way they are drawing our attention to the issues involved .
18 It may have become apparent to the counsellor that counsellees are ‘ locked ’ into feelings which are affecting the way they are leading their lives , but are apparently more content to hold on to the feelings than to resolve the difficulties which arise from them .
19 We can infer from this that when the authors concerned start out to describe the institutions of an alien exotic social system they are using their own society as a model of normality .
20 But all the time they are hardening their muscles and sharpening their wits , so that the pretence of being grown-up helps them to grow up in earnest . ’
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